Joint Conference of IFIP Working Groups

After Latour: Globalisation, Inequity and Climate Change

See the conference website for full details including submission instructions.

Event date: 
2023-12-07 to 2023-12-08

OASIS 2022 on Criticality and Values in Digital Transformation Research

IFIP Working Group 8.2 invites its friends, members and those who are interested to its OASIS Workshop on “Criticality and Values in Digital Transformation Research.”

The workshop takes place as an official ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems) ancillary event on Saturday, December 10 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The venue will be the IT University Copenhagen, Room 5A14-16 (fifth floor).

Event date: 

Call for Papers: Pre-ICIS OASIS Workshop 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark

Value Positions and Criticality in Digital Transformation Research.

Event date: 

IFIPWG8.2 Jubilee Panel and Workshop on the future of research on information systems and organisations

IFIP WG8.2 invites all of its members, friends, and other interested parties to join us for a special event this year to celebrate IFIP’s 60th anniversary.

“Where next? New directions for research on the interaction of information systems and organisations”

Event date: 

Business Meeting 2020

The IFIPWG8.2 Business Meeting will be held at 19:00 UTC on 17 December 2020 on Zoom.

The timing has been chosen to avoid clashes with the Joint Working Conference and ICIS and to try to optimise the opportunity for participation across different time zones. Anybody who is interested in Information Systems and Organisations is welcome to attend the meeting and become a registered “friend" of WG8.2. Attendance at two of the most recent three Business Meetings is the requirement for friends to be elected as members.

We hope to see you there.

Event date: 
2020-12-17 to 2025-02-22

Paper Development Workshops @ Joint Working Conference 10.-11.12.2020

For the Paper Development Workshop we solicit Research-In-Progress papers that engage with an aspect of the conference theme. These papers should be in the form of extended abstracts, with a maximum length of 2000 words, excluding references.
**DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 10** Notification of acceptance October 20
More at

Event date: 
2020-12-10 to 2025-02-22

Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) Pre-ICIS Workshop on Post-Digitalization

Workshop Theme: Digitalization and its implications for organizations and society are currently attracting a lot of interest in the Information Systems literature. For OASIS 2019, we ask what will happen once the temporary excitement about digitalization ceases and phenomena currently discussed as digital (e.g. digital innovation, digital transformation, digital business strategy) have become inherently and so naturally digital that they are not discussed separately anymore?

Event date: 
2019-12-14 to 2025-02-22

2017 OASIS workshop, Seoul, Korea

Join us for the 2017 IFIP 8.2 OASIS (Organizations and Society in Information Systems) Workshop at ICIS on Saturday, Dec. 9 in Seoul!

Event date: 
2017-12-09 to 2025-02-22

OASIS workshop, Ft. Worth, TX, US

An OASIS Workshop will be held on Saturday 12 December 2015 8:45am-5pm in Texas Ballroom I, Omni Hotel, as an ICIS conference pre-event in Fort Worth, TX, US. The program is here.

Event date: 
2015-12-12 to 2025-02-22

2013 OASIS Pre-ICIS Workshop

8:30 AM - 4 PM Saturday, December 14, 2013
Academia Building, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

Event date: 
2013-12-14 to 2025-02-22
