2017 OASIS workshop, Seoul, Korea

Event date: 
2017-12-09 to 2025-02-11

Join us for the 2017 IFIP 8.2 OASIS (Organizations and Society in Information Systems) Workshop at ICIS on Saturday, Dec. 9 in Seoul!

Our program begins at 9:00 a.m. and features the following:

- 9:10am Keynote: "Trust and Distrust in Virtual and Hybrid Environments" by
Sirkka Jarvenpaa, University of Texas at Austin

- 10:20 am Paper workshop where all participants can interact with authors

- 2:00 pm Interactive debate: "Sociomaterial Theorizing in IS: A debate on Whether, When, Why, and How” with panelists:
o Margunn Aanestad, University of Oslo
o Sirkka Jarvenpaa, University of Texas at Austin
o M. Lynne Markus, Bentley University
o Ulrike Schultze, Southern Methodist University

- 4:00 pm IFIP 8.2 Business Meeting

We meet in COEX 308. If you would like to participate, please register at icis2017.aisnet.org.

Looking forward to seeing you in Seoul,
Tony Ammeter (University of Mississippi) – tammeter@olemiss.edu
Donghyun Kim (Delta State University) – dkim@deltastate.edu
Sanghyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea) – ksh@knu.ac.kr
Program co-Chairs, OASIS 2017
