Business Meeting Minutes, Seoul, South Korea, 9 December 2017
1. Introductions and attendance
Ulrike Schultze opened the meeting at 15:42
2. Officers
The current executive was voted to continue one more year, until December 2018.
• Chair: Ulrike Schultze
• Vice-Chair: Eija Karsten
• Secretary: Matthew Jones & Catherine Middleton
Elections will be taking place in December 2018. The nominations committee is Ulrike Schultze, Kevin Crowston, Brian Fitzgerald and Nancy Russo.
3. Awards
IFIP General Assembly has given our members awards:
Silver Core
Wanda Orlikowski
Outstanding Service Award
Lucas Introna
Séamas Kelly
Congratulations to them have been sent earlier.
4. New members
To be eligible, prospective members need to have attended another business meeting within the past 3 years. Three new members put themselves forward for nomination: Styliani (Stella) Zafeiropoulou, Mahya Ostovar and Martin Stojanov. The attendance records were checked to verify their eligibility. The members voted unanimously to approve their membership.
5. Past conferences and workshops
“Beyond Interpretivism? New Encounters with Technology & Organisation” December 9.-10, 2016 in Dublin
Chaired by Donncha Kavanagh, Séamas Kelly, Lucas Introna, Wanda Orlikowski and Susan Scott
The conference has been reported to IFIP.
Tony Ammeter reported on the OASIS Workshop held December 9, 2017 in Seoul, South Korea. 13 submissions had been received and accepted, 11 were presented and 24 persons participated in the workshop. The financial outcome of the workshop is expected to be even.
o The workshop began with the keynote by Sirkka Jarvenpaa on “Trust and Distrust in Virtual and Hybrid Environments.” Each of the accepted papers was first presented and then discussed in round tables.
o The workshop continued with an interactive debate: "Sociomaterial Theorizing in IS: A debate on Whether, When, Why, and How” with panelists:
Margunn Aanestad, University of Oslo
Sirkka Jarvenpaa, University of Texas at Austin
M. Lynne Markus, Bentley University
Ulrike Schultze, Southern Methodist University
The audience participated in the lively debate.
The co-chairs of the OASIS workshop were
Tony Ammeter (University of Mississippi) –
Donghyun Kim (Delta State University) –
Sanghyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea) –
6 Future conferences
Working Conference, December 11-12, 2018 San Francisco
An organizer is sought for the OASIS workshop to be held in association with ICIS2019, 15-18 December, in Munich
There is a plan to have a joint WG8.2 and 9.1 Working Conference in association with ICIS 2020 in Delhi, India
WG8.2 endorsed the initiative to develop a position statement on eWaste and invited volunteers to join David Kreps [upcoming Chair of TC9] in developing this.
8 The meeting was adjourned at 16:12