IFIP Working Group 8.2 Officer Elections 2021 now open

The three-year terms of officers for WG 8.2 will be ending in December. Therefore, it is time to elect a new chair, vice-chair, and secretary. The call for nominations yielded one nominee for chair (Matthew Jones), one for vice-chair (Benjamin Mueller) and two for secretary (Pamela Abbott and Yeliz Eseryel).

You can access the ballot and the candidate statements here. To vote, you must be a member of the working group and logged into the site. Please contact the webmaster, Kevin Crowston, if you have problems logging in.

The election will be open until midnight 29 November anywhere on earth.

New CABS Academic Journal Guide (AJG)

Five IS journals from the AIS basket have been upgraded in the 2021 edition of the Chartered Association of Business School's Academic Journal Guide.

The Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) has been upgraded from 4 to 4* ("world-leading" journal of distinction)

The European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Information Systems Journal (ISJ), Journal of Information Technology (JIT) and the Journal of Strategic Information Systens (JSIS) have been upgraded from 3 ("highly regarded") to 4 ("top journals in their field").


Matthew JONES (vice chair) and Benjamin MUELLER (secretary) welcomed Members, Friends and Guests to the WG’s first virtual business meeting. Attendees were guided through virtual networking activities to support group building.

Matthew JONES shared the apologies of Eija KARSTEN (chair) who was unable to attend the meeting.

Business Meeting 2020

The IFIPWG8.2 Business Meeting will be held at 19:00 UTC on 17 December 2020 on Zoom.

The timing has been chosen to avoid clashes with the Joint Working Conference and ICIS and to try to optimise the opportunity for participation across different time zones. Anybody who is interested in Information Systems and Organisations is welcome to attend the meeting and become a registered “friend" of WG8.2. Attendance at two of the most recent three Business Meetings is the requirement for friends to be elected as members.

We hope to see you there.

Event date: 
2020-12-17 to 2024-09-15

IFIP Joint Working Conference 10.-11.12.2020 will be virtual

Due to Covid-19, the conference will be virtual, most likely in Zoom, managed by University of Oslo Computing Centre.

Event date: 
2020-12-10 to 2024-09-15
