Matthew JONES (vice chair) and Benjamin MUELLER (secretary) welcomed Members, Friends and Guests to the WG’s first virtual business meeting. Attendees were guided through virtual networking activities to support group building.

Matthew JONES shared the apologies of Eija KARSTEN (chair) who was unable to attend the meeting.

Business Meeting 2020

The IFIPWG8.2 Business Meeting will be held at 19:00 UTC on 17 December 2020 on Zoom.

The timing has been chosen to avoid clashes with the Joint Working Conference and ICIS and to try to optimise the opportunity for participation across different time zones. Anybody who is interested in Information Systems and Organisations is welcome to attend the meeting and become a registered “friend" of WG8.2. Attendance at two of the most recent three Business Meetings is the requirement for friends to be elected as members.

We hope to see you there.

Event date: 
2020-12-17 to 2025-01-24

IFIP Joint Working Conference 10.-11.12.2020 will be virtual

Due to Covid-19, the conference will be virtual, most likely in Zoom, managed by University of Oslo Computing Centre.

Event date: 
2020-12-10 to 2025-01-24

Paper Development Workshops @ Joint Working Conference 10.-11.12.2020

For the Paper Development Workshop we solicit Research-In-Progress papers that engage with an aspect of the conference theme. These papers should be in the form of extended abstracts, with a maximum length of 2000 words, excluding references.
**DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 10** Notification of acceptance October 20
More at

Event date: 
2020-12-10 to 2025-01-24

Submissions are now open for IFIP Joint Working Conference!

Submission site is now open for the full research papers for the IFIP Joint Working Conference in Hyderabad, December 10-11, 2020.

Submission deadline is May 18 (12 noon Central European Time, GMT+1). Please note that we had to make this earlier. Notification of acceptance will be on July 30.

Full research papers should be no more than 8000 words (including abstract, references, tables, etc.). All submissions are anonymous and will be double blind reviewed by the conference Programme Committee.

Event date: 
2020-12-10 to 2025-01-24
