Call for participation, International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries

Members of IFIP Working Group 8.2 may be interested in the upcoming International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries sponsored by IFIP WG 9.4, Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries. Registration is now open for the conference, to be held in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 19-22 May 2013. Early bird registration is open until the 1st April. To register please follow the link:

IFIP December newsletter available

Business meeting minutes, Tampa, FL, USA, 13 Dec 2012

IFIP 8.2

Brian Fitzgerald started the business meeting @ 3:05pm

1) Introduction of officers
2) Induction of 2 new members: Philip Raeth and Benjamin Mueller
3) Past conferences report: Turku and Shanghai OASIS
4) Potential Future conferences: joint conference venues:
a. Working conferences
i. UKAIS, April 2014 -- 3 votes
ii. ECIS 2014 Israel -- 2 votes
iii. ICIS 2014 Auckland -- 10 votes
b. OASIS workshop, Milan 2013
c. Under consideration: set regular submission deadlines for predictability

Program for the IFIP WG 8.2 working conference now available

The preliminary program is available for the upcoming IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference on "Shaping the Future of ICT Research: Methods and Approaches" at

September 2012 IFIP Newsletter

The September 2012 IFIP Newsletter is now available at This issue includes articles on the recent World Computing Congress, a global code of ICT ethics, the International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3), ICT infrastructures, different awards and upcoming conferences including our own upcoming Working Conference in Tampa.
