Eija Karsten confirmed as Working Group Secretary

At the recent business meeting in Auckland, Eija Karsten (FI) was confirmed by the members as the new secretary of the working group. Thanks and congratulations to Eija for taking on this important position!

IFIP Working Conference proceedings and notes now available

The proceedings from the recently concluded Auckland Working Conference on Information Systems and Global Assemblages: (Re)Configuring Actors, Artefacts, Organizations Working Conference are now available from Springer here. Check for comments on the conference posted here.

Links to IFIP Working Conference Proceedings have been updated

The list of conferences has been updated with pointers to the proceedings on Springerlink. You can see the list of papers from past conferences here. And you are welcomed to upload references to your own published works if you'd like them included in our listing of members' papers.

Business meeting minutes, Milan, Italy, 14 Dec 2013

IFIP Business Meeting Minutes
Milan, Italy, 14 Dec 2013

1. The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Brian Fitzgerald, at 4:17 pm. Brian welcomed the attendees to the workshop and business meeting, noted that the attendance list was being handed out as well as a list of lost members whose contact information was being sought.

2. Brian announced the results of the election of new officers:
a. Incoming Chair – Kevin Crowston
b. Vice-Chair - Ulrike Schultze
c. Secretary – Mike Chiasson

2014 IFIP Board meeting minutes posted

Minutes of the 2014 IFIP Board meeting in Atlanta, USA are available at http://www.ifip.org/images/stories/ifip/public/publications/minutes/Boar.... The meeting included reports on finances, strategy, publications, upcoming IFIP events, and more.
