IFIP December newsletter available

The IFIP December Newsletter is available here.

IFIP statement on intentional weakening of security and trust mechanisms in ICT and the Internet

IFIP (our parent body) have issued a statement on intentional weakening of security and trust mechanisms in ICT and the Internet by government agencies and other major actors, available here. Please log in and leave your comments on this statement and suggestions for what our working group might do in this area.

Schedule and proceedings for the OASIS meeting

The schedule for the upcoming OASIS meeting and abstracts of the papers are now available in Dropbox (or click here for a direct link to the file).

The Oasis meeting will be held at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy on 14 December 2013 from 8:30 am and will be followed by a Working Group business meeting at 4:15 pm.

Minutes of Sept 2013 IFIP General Assembly meeting posted

The minutes of the IFIP General Assembly meeting held September 2013 in Potsdam, Germany have been posted.

Call for papers: Information Systems and Global Assemblages: (Re)Configuring Actors, Artefacts, Organizations Working Conference

IFIP WG 8.2 will hold a working conference in Auckland, New Zealand, 11-12 Dec 2014, immediately prior to the ICIS conference. Papers are due 1 June 2014. The call for paper is attached. The conference website, http://bis2.aut.ac.nz/ifip82-2014/, will have additional information about the conference.
