IFIP announces WITFOR conference

The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and the Department of Information Technology, Government of India invite your participation in the forthcoming World IT Forum (WITFOR 2012) to be held at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, India on 16th -18th April 2012. For more details, see http://www.witfor.org/

December 2011 edition of the IFIP News is now available

The December 2011 edition of the IFIP News is now available on the IFIP website.

Business meeting minutes, Shanghai, China, 4 December 2011

IFIP WG 8.2 Business Meeting
Shanghai, China, 4 December 2011

1. Welcome: The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Nancy Russo, at 4:32 pm. Nancy welcomed the attendees to the workshop and business meeting, noted that the attendance list was being handed out, and announced the results of the election of new officers:
a. Incoming Chair – Brian Fitzgerald
b. Vice-Chair – Kevin Crowston
c. Secretary – Ulrike Schultze
Brian Fitzgerald was introduced as the incoming Chair and he chaired the meeting from this point. (The agenda slides are available as an attachment.)

IFIP September newsletter

The IFIP September newsletter is available here.

Business meeting minutes, Turku, Finland, June 2011

The chair, Nancy Russo (US), called the meeting to order at 12:25 PM.

1. Nancy called for nominations of new members. One new member was nominated:

-- Dirk Hovorka (AU) (attended business meeting in Perth).

Nancy moved that Dirk be accepted as a member. Motion carried.

2. Nancy reviewed past and upcoming events. She thanked the organizers of the Turku conference for a successful conference just concluded. She noted the upcoming Oasis meeting before the ICIS conference in Shanghai in December 2012.
