Business meeting minutes, St. Louis, MO, USA, 12 December 2010

IFIP WG 8.2 Business Meeting
St. Lous, MO, USA, 12 December 2010

The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Nancy Russo (US), at 4:17 pm.

1. Nancy started by introduce the executive, noting that a new Secretary would be needed next December when she rotates off. She encouraged interested members to contact her or the other members of the executive.

2. Nancy reviewed recent working group activities:

a. She thanked the organizers of today's Oasis workshop, Hala Annabi (US) and Sean McGann (US) for their work.

Available IFIP Proceedings

The following IFIP proceedings are available for sale from the IFIP Secretariat (

Title TC
Education and Technology for a Better World 3
Balanced Automation Systems for Future Manufacturing Networks 5
Growth and Development of Computer-Aided Innovation 5
Leveraging Knowledge for Innovation in Collaborative Neworks 5
Precision Assembly Technologies and Systems 5

Minutes of IFIP's General Assembly 2010 held in Brisbane, Australia

The minutes of the IFIP's General Assembly 2010 held 25-26 September in Brisbane, Australia are available on the IFIP Website:

IFIP WG8.2 Newsletter Oct 2010

News from the Perth Conference (with lots of photos), upcoming events, the web-site, awards for 8.2ers, message from the 8.2 Chair etc etc

New President of IFIP

Mr Leon Strous is the new President of IFIP, for the period from September 2010 to September 2013, replacing professor Basie von Solms. Mr Strous is an IT Auditor employed by De Nederlandsche Bank, which is the Dutch central bank. He has been a Vice-President of IFIP from 2007 – 2009 and the President-elect from 2009 – 2010. From 2001 – 2007 he has been the chair of IFIP’s Technical Committee 11 covering the aspect of Information Security. He is the national representative in IFIP for the Dutch Computer Society (NGI). Please see the attached press release for more details.
