Business meeting minutes, St. Louis, MO, USA, 12 December 2010

IFIP WG 8.2 Business Meeting
St. Lous, MO, USA, 12 December 2010

The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Nancy Russo (US), at 4:17 pm.

1. Nancy started by introduce the executive, noting that a new Secretary would be needed next December when she rotates off. She encouraged interested members to contact her or the other members of the executive.

2. Nancy reviewed recent working group activities:

a. She thanked the organizers of today's Oasis workshop, Hala Annabi (US) and Sean McGann (US) for their work.

b. She noted that the working group had co-sponsored with IFIP Working Group 8.6 a recent conference in Perth, Australia.

3. Jacob Nørbjerg (FI) briefed the group about plans for the upcoming working group meeting in Turku, Finland, 6-8 June 2011. The theme is "Researching the Future"; papers and other submissions are currently under review. The preliminary schedule includes keynotes each morning--Monday, Yrjö Neuvo, CTO of Nokia; Tuesday, Judith Gregory; and Wednesday, Youngjin Yoo, Temple--a workshop Monday afternoon, a reception at the city hall Tuesday night and a boat trip. The conference will end about 1:30 pm on Wednesday.

The conference registration will be €340; if you also register for ECIS, which follows immediately in Helsinki, you get a €50 discount. Hotels in Turku are €80-150/night. The boat tour will be about €80-90. Registration should open in January.

Turku will the European Capital of Culture in 2011, so the town will have lots of events going on; booking flights early is advised.

4. Nancy asked for volunteers to organize the Oasis workshop in Shanghai 2011. Hala Annabi noted that she and Sean had prepared a step-by-step plan for organizing the workshop. Volunteers will also be sought to organize an Oasis in Orlando in 2012 and in Milan in 2013.

Nancy also asked people to think about organizing a working conference in the future. She noted that it would be a team project--an organizer as well as a program chair. Somewhere in Florida in December 2012 might be convenient.

5. Nancy called for nominations of new members. To be eligible, prospective members need to have attended another business meeting within the past 3 years. Four individuals put themselves forward for nomination:

Lorraine Morgan (IE)
Mikael Lind (SE)
Donald Wynn (US)
Clay Williams (US)

All four are listed as attendees in the minutes of recent meetings and so are eligible for membership. Nancy Russo (US) moved, Brian Fitzgerald (IE) seconded to nominate these individuals as members of the working group. Motion carried. The nominations will be sent to IFIP TC 8.

6. Nancy called for announcements.

a. Nadine Blinn (DE) announced the upcoming IFIP WG 8.6 conference.

b. Ken Kendall (US) remarked that many of the leaders of AIS and members of AIS governing committees are members of the working group, showing that our members are having an influence on the profession.

c. Julie Kendall (US), who is now vice-chair of AIS for chairs and chapters, noted that there is a new member reception for ICIS and a general reception.

d. Frank Land (UK) suggested that time be allocated at the Oasis for discussion of a "hot issue of the day", e.g., we could have spent time discussing Wikileaks.

7. Nancy moved to adjorn at 4:45pm. Meeting was adjourned.