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Consumer Information Systems Development: Challenges for Cross- Disciplinary Research. In , Consumer Information Systems and Relationship Management: Design, Implementation, and Use (pp. 1-13). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4082-5.ch001
. (2013). The Co-Evolution of the “Social” and the “Technology”: A Netnographic Study of Social Movements in Virtual Worlds. In International Conference on Information Systems (pp. 1-12). Association for Information Systems E-library. Retrieved from
. (2012). Commentary on Davison and Martinsons: is there a methodological crisis?. Journal of Information Technology, 26, 294-295. doi:10.1057/jit.2011.26
. (2011). Chaotic Worlds: An Analysis of World of Warcraft. In Americas Conference on Information Systems (Vol. Paper 174, pp. 1-7). AIS. Retrieved from
. (2010). A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development. Pacific Asia Journal of the AIS, 2, 47-66.
. (2010). . (2009).
Challenges of Consumer Information Systems Development: The Case of Interactive Television Services. In , Advances in Information Systems Research, Education and Practice (pp. 89-100). New York: Springer.
. (2008). A Conceptual Framework of an Adaptive and Innovative Recommender Generating Online Learning System. 39th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute . presented at the November 22-25, Baltimore, Maryland. Retrieved from
. (2008). Critical Ethnography as a Means to Holistically Understand the Implementation of Information Systems. Frontiers of Information Systems Research in China. presented at the 4-6 November 200, Beijing, China.
. (2005). The Challenges of Enterprise Integration: Cycles of Integration and Disintegration over Time. International Conference on Information Systems. presented at the 12-15 December 2, Washington DC.
. (2004). The challenges of implementing enterprise-wide information systems: Lessons from research. ACS National Conference. Melbourne, Australia.
. (2004). A Classification Scheme for Interpretive Research in Information Systems. In , Qualitative Research in IS: Issues and Trends (pp. 218-239). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
. (2001). . (2001).
A Comparison of IT Industry Success in Finland and New Zealand. Fourth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. presented at the 1-3 June 2000, Hong Kong.
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