Business meeting minutes, Boise, ID, USA, 29 July, 2001
Boise, Idaho, USA
July 29, 2001
The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m. by the Chair, David Avison (FR).
1. Introduction
David Avison (FR) began the meeting with a brief description of IFIP, TC 8, and IFIP Working Group 8.2.
2. Past Workshops and Working Conferences
David Avison (FR) reported that the accounts for the IFIP Working Group 8.2 Conference in Aalborg in 2000 have been finalised. The conference was a great success.
David Avison (FR) reported briefly on the IFIP Working Group 8.2 Oasis Workshop held in Brisbane in December 2000. He said that this was a tremendous workshop with a very good attendance.
Wita Wojtkowski (US) reported briefly on the IFIP Working Group 8.2 conference just held in Boise. The conference was a success and looked like breaking even financially.
3. Forthcoming Workshops and Working Conferences
The next IFIP 8.2 Workshop will be held in New Orleans on 16th December 2001, just before ICIS. Joe Nandhakumar (GB) spoke about the workshop briefly and Kevin Crowston (US) asked people to comment on the costs/ catering requirements. An informal vote was taken showing that most people would prefer to pay slightly more so as to have tea and coffee provided at the venue.
David Avison (FR) said that the next IFIP 8.2 Working Conference will be held in Barcelona in December, 2002, just before ICIS. Eleanor Wynn (US) spoke about the conference and handed out a draft call for papers.
David Avison (FR) mentioned the possibility of a joint working conference with IFIP Working Group 9.4 to be held Athens in 15-17 June 2003 (immediately before ECIS). The tentative title of the conference is "Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries." Angeliki Poulymenakou (GR) spoke about the conference. The Program Co-Chairs will be Mikko Korpela (FI) and Ramiro Montealegre (USA), with Angeliki Poulymenakou as Organizing Chair. It is proposed that a one-day PhD supervisor’s workshop will be held before the conference.
It was MSC that the conference be approved.
It was MSC that a PhD supervisor’s workshop be held in conjunction with the conference.
David Avison (FR) mentioned the possibility of an Oasis workshop immediately before ICIS 2003 but this has yet to be arranged.
Duane Truex (US) talked about the "Manchester 2" conference to be held in 2004, 20 years after the original Working Group 8.2 conference in Manchester. The proposed title of the conference is "Relevant theory and informed practice: A Twenty Year Perspective on IS Research." The Organising Chair is Debra Howcroft (GB), with the Program Co-Chairs being Bonnie Kaplan (US), Duane Truex (US), Dave Wastell (GB) and Trevor Wood-Harper (GB). General Chairs are Frank Land (GB) and Richard Baskerville (US). The conference will probably be held in June 2004.
David Avison (FR) mentioned we are looking for proposals for a working conference in North America in 2005, since three of the previous conferences will have been held in Europe.
4. Awards
David Avison (FR) briefly discussed the awards for IFIP 8.2 and said that Ken Kendall (US) is chairing a committee to nominate people for these awards.
5. Oasis
David Avison (FR) mentioned that Georgia State University has paid for the Oasis newsletter to be printed and mailed out to all members and friends for many years (following the previous contributions of SUNY Binghamton, Erasmus University, and
Manchester Business School). However, GSU’s agreed term of support is now over. David Avison (FR) asked for a vote of thanks to be recorded for GSU’s contribution to the work of IFIP WG 8.2.
It was MSC that Oasis will be published only on the web in the future.
It was also suggested that a notice should be sent out on the 8.2 listserv when it is published.
6. Elections for Committee (2003-2005)
It was MSC that Richard Baskerville (US) be appointed Chair of the new Elections Committee. A new committee will need to be elected in 2002 to serve from 2003-2005.
7. New Members
David Avison (FR) mentioned that people who have attended two recent business meetings are eligible to join IFIP WG 8.2. Names were solicited for individuals who were qualified and interested in becoming members of IFIP WG 8.2. The following people were approved for membership, subject to a check on attendance by the Secretary:
* Robert Davison (HK)
* Carsten Sorensen (GB)
* Mike Cushman (GB)
* Knut Rolland (NO)
* John Campbell (AU)
* Jacob Norbjerg (DK)
* Lynnette Kvasny (US)
* Helena Holmstrom (SE)
* Mart Roost (ESTONIA)
* Annakarin Nyberg (SE)
8. Any other business
Kevin Crowston (US) asked about the possibility of having the proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.2 Conferences on the web. Jan Pries-Heje (DK) mentioned that this has already been proposed at the TC8 meeting and is being discussed at that level.
It was MSC that the meeting be closed.
— Michael D. Myers (NZ), Secretary
Addendum: Notes from a brainstorming session held in conjunction with this meeting.