Edgar Whitley

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Filters: Drupal User is Edgar Whitley
Introna, L. D., & Whitley, E. A.. (1997). Against method-. Information technology and people, 10, 31-45. Retrieved from ITP1997Method.pdf
Introna, L. D., & Whitley, E. A.. (1997). Against method-. Logistics information management, 10, 235-245. Retrieved from ITP1997Method.pdf
Whitley, E. A., Siemer, J., & Introna, L. D.. (1997). Studying the involved computer user: A phenomenological approach. (J. N. D. Gupta, Ed.)Proceeding of the Americas Conference on Information Systems. presented at the August 15-17, Indianapolis, Indiana. Retrieved from AMCIS1997.pdf
Pouloudi, A., & Whitley, E. A.. (1996). Applying stakeholder analysis to inter-organisational systems in the context of health care in the UK. (B. Glastonbury, Ed.)Dreams and realities: Information technology in the human services; Proceedings of Husita 4. Finland: Stakes. Retrieved from HUSITA1996.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1996). Confusion, social knowledge and the design of intelligent machines. Journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence, 8, 365-381. Retrieved from JETAI1996.pdf
Whitley, E. A., & Introna, L. D.. (1996). How do you make a deal when you can't shake hands?. Telecom Brief, 1, 32,34. presented at the June.
Introna, L. D., & Whitley, E. A.. (1996). Information systems as a social science? The individual perspective. (J. M. Carey, Ed.)Second AIS Americas conference. Phoenix, Arizona: AIS. Retrieved from AMCIS1996.pdf
Introna, L. D., & Whitley, E. A.. (1996). Thinking about obligations in electronically mediated communication. (H. Krcmar & Schwarzer, B., Eds.)SISnet research workshop. Lisbon, Portugal: University of Hohenheim. Retrieved from SISnet1996.pdf
Whitley, E. A., & Darking, S.. (1994). Information Systems: Social Technology in Social Systems. (W. Baets, Ed.)2nd European Conference on Information Systems. Nijenrode University, The Netherlands: Nijenrode University Press. Retrieved from ECIS1994.pdf-
Whitley, E. A. (1994). Spreadsheet module. In A. Forti (Ed.), Manual for training in research and innovation management. Singapore: World Scientific.
