Edgar Whitley

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioOpen sourcing regulation: the development of the Creative Commons licences as a form of commons based peer production Edgar Whitley01 year 7 months ago
BiblioBook review of "Ruling the root: Internet governance and the taming of cyberspace" by Milton L Mueller and "Internet governance in transition: Who is the master of this domain?" by Daniel J Paré. Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioBook review of "Virtual society? Technology, Cyperbole, Reality" edited by Steve Woolgar Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioBook review of "A Computer Called LEO: Lyons Teashops and the World's First Office Computer" by Georgina Ferry Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioBook review of "The shape of actions" by Harry Collins and Martin Kusch Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioBook review of "Aramis or the love of technology" by Bruno Latour Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioBook review of "The construction of social reality" by John R Searle Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioBook review of "Artificial experts: Social knowledge and intelligent machines" by H M Collins Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioBook review of "Building knowledge based systems: Towards a methodology" by John S Edwards Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioSociology of information systems: External programme study guide Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioSoftware Engineering: External programme study guide Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioSociology and ethics of information systems: External programme study guide Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioSociology and ethics of information systems: External programme study guide Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioEmbedding expert systems in semi-formal domains: Examining the boundaries of the knowledge base Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioMedia and public perceptions of identity cards, privacy and surveillance: Public opinion and policy Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioU-turns in the National Identity Scheme: Implications for industry: Report for Enterprise Privacy Group Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioSubmission to the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee inquiry into "A surveillance society?" by the London School of Economics and Political Science Identity Project Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioSubmission to the House of Lords Constitution Committee inquiry into the "Impact of Surveillance & Data Collection" by the London School of Economics and Political Science Identity Project Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioAll party briefing: On the proposed amendment concerning designated document powers Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioAll party briefing: On mechanisms to report on the costs of the scheme. Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioAll party briefing: On the new identity fraud figures from the Home Office. Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioAll party briefing: On the differences between a compulsory and voluntary regime Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioSecurity Briefing Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioWeb resources Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
BiblioResponse to second s.37 cost report Edgar Whitley015 years 1 month ago
