Edgar Whitley

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Whitley, E. A., & Pouloudi, A.. (2002). Studying the translations of NHSnet. In M. A. Mahmood (Ed.), Advanced topics in end user computing (pp. 158-176). Hershey: Idea Group. Retrieved from JEUC2001.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (2000). Book review of "The shape of actions" by Harry Collins and Martin Kusch. The Times Higher Education Supplement. London. Retrieved from THES2000.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (2000). Dotcompetition: Surviving in e-business. LSE Magazine, 12, 12-13. presented at the Winter. Retrieved from LSE2000.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (2000). Tacit and explicit knowledge: Conceptual confusion around the commodification of knowledge. (J. Swan, Scarbrough, H., & Dale, R., Eds.)Knowledge Management: Concepts and controversies. Warwick University: BPRC. Retrieved from BPRC2000.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1999). Book review of "Aramis or the love of technology" by Bruno Latour. Information technology and people. Retrieved from ITP1999a.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1999). Book review of "The construction of social reality" by John R Searle. Information technology and people. Retrieved from ITP1999b.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1999). Change? What really happens when new information systems are introduced. (J. E. Kendall, Ed.)IS Research at the beginning of the Millenium: Searching for artifacts, metaphors and methodologies. Charlotte, NC: IFIP 8.2. Retrieved from IFIP821999b.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1999). Escalation and anti-essentialism: A teaching case study. (J. Pries-Heje, Ciborra, C., Kautz, K., Valor, J., Christiaanse, E., Avison, D., & Heje, C., Eds.)7th European Conference on Information Systems. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. Retrieved from ECIS1999.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1999). Habermas and the non-humans: Towards a critical theory for the new collective. (H. Willmott & Grugulis, I., Eds.)Critical Management Studies conference. Manchester: http://www.mngt.waikato.ac.nz/ejrot/cmsconference/documents/Information%20Tech/Habermas%20and%20the%20non-humans.pdf. Retrieved from CMS1999.pdf
Whitley, E. A., & Introna, L. D.. (1999). Social theory and Y2K. Oasis, 33, 6. presented at the November.
Whitley, E. A. (1999). Understanding participation in entrepreneurial organisations: Some hermeneutic readings. Journal of information technology, 14, 193-202. Retrieved from JIT1999.pdf
