Michael D Myers

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Tilvawala, K., Myers, M., & Sundaram, D.. (2011). Design Of Ubiquitous Information Systems For Digital Natives. In Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (pp. 1-13).
Vaidya, R., Myers, M. D., & Gardner, L.. (2011). The design – reality gap: The impact of stakeholder strategies on IS implementation in developing countries. In M. Nüttgens, Gadatsch, A., Kautz, K., Schirmer, I., & Blinn, N. (Eds.), Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems. Managing the Transfer and Diffusion of IT (Vol. 366, pp. 119-134). New York: Springer.
McKenna, B., Gardner, L., & Myers, M. D.. (2011). Issues in the Study of Virtual World Social Movements. In Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (Vol. Paper 129, pp. 1-13). AIS. Retrieved from http://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2011/129
Soakell-Ho, M., & Myers, M. D.. (2011). Knowledge Management Challenges for Nongovernment Organizations: The Health and Disability Sector in New Zealand. VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, 41, 212-228.
McKenna, B., Gardner, L., & Myers, M. D.. (2011). Social Movements in World of Warcraft. In Americas Conference on Information Systems (Vol. Paper 83, pp. 1-8). AIS. Retrieved from http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2011_submissions/83
Vaidya, R., Myers, M. D., & Gardner, L.. (2011). Tracing ‘Reality’ in the Design – Reality Gap: A Stakeholder Practice Based Model for IS Implementation in Developing Countries. In 11th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (pp. 181-194). International Federation of Information Processing. Retrieved from http://www.ifipwg94.org/
Russo, N. L., & Myers, M. D.. (2010). A Brief History of IFIIP WG 8.2 Research: The People, the Places, the Methods, and the Issues. (J. Pries-Heje, Venable, J., Bunker, D., Russo, N. L., & DeGross, J. I., Eds.)Human Benefit through the Diffusion of Information Systems Design Research. New York: Springer.
McKenna, B., Gardner, L., & Myers, M. D.. (2010). Chaotic Worlds: An Analysis of World of Warcraft. In Americas Conference on Information Systems (Vol. Paper 174, pp. 1-7). AIS. Retrieved from http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2010/174
Myers, M. D., Hu, Q., Gregor, S., & Pan, S. L.. (2010). Cross-Cultural Research in Information Systems. In Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (pp. 1-8).
Vodanovich, S., Sundaram, D., & Myers, M. D.. (2010). Digital Natives and Ubiquitous Information Systems. Information Systems Research, 21, 711–723.
Lawrence, C., Tuunanen, T., & Myers, M. D.. (2010). Extending Design Science Research Methodology for a Multicultural World. (J. Pries-Heje, Venable, J., Bunker, D., Russo, N. L., & DeGross, J. I., Eds.)Human Benefit through the Diffusion of Information Systems Design Research. New York: Springer.
Soakell-Ho, M., & Myers, M. D.. (2010). Knowledge Management Challenges for Nongovernment Organizations: The Health and Disability Sector in New Zealand. In Proceedings of Australasian Conference on Information Systems (Vol. 94, pp. 1-12). Retrieved from http://aisel.aisnet.org/acis2010/94
King, J. L., Myers, M. D., Rivard, S., Saunders, C., & Weber, R.. (2010). What do we like about the IS field?. Communications of the AIS, 26, 441-450. Retrieved from http://aisel.aisnet.org/
