
OASIS workshop 2009 in Phoenix AZ, USA

IFIP 8.2
Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) 2009 Workshop

ICIS Conference Hotel
Phoenix, AZ United States
9 AM - 4 PM Tuesday 15 December 2009: A Pre-ICIS Workshop

Event date: 
2009-12-15 to 2024-12-04

Business meeting minutes, Charlotte, NC, USA, 12 December, 1999

Charlotte, NC, USA
12 December 1999

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm. Richard Baskerville (USA) opened the meeting and briefly explained the purpose of IFIP WG 8.2.

1. Workshop and Working Conference proposals

Eleanor Wynn (USA) presented a proposal for a working conference on "Organizational Discourse about IT" to be held in Barcelona, Spain, in conjunction with ICIS in December 2002. Josep Valor spoke about the local arrangements in Barcelona.

Moved by Duane Truex (USA), Seconded by Marius Janson (USA) and carried that the working conference proposal be approved.

OASIS workshop 2000 in Brisbane, Australia

The OASIS workshop was held in Brisbane, Australia, on December 10, 2000.

Event date: 
2000-12-10 to 2024-12-04

OASIS workshop 2001 in New Orleans, LA, USA

The OASIS workshop was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on December 16, 2001.

Event date: 
2001-12-16 to 2024-12-04

OASIS workshop 2003 in Seattle, WA, USA

The 2003 OASIS workshop was held in Seattle, Washington, on December 14, 2003.

Event date: 
2003-12-14 to 2024-12-04
