Business meeting minutes, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 15 December, 2009
IFIP WG 8.2 Business Meeting
Phoenix, AZ 15 Dec 2009
The meeting was called to order at 4pm by the Working Group Chair, Nancy Russo (US)
- Sue Conger, AIS VP for SIGs, Chapters and Affiliated Organizations, welcomed the group and encouraged people to continue their involvement with the Working Group and with AIS.
- Nancy Russo briefed the group on the outcomes of the recent TC8 meeting.
- There is about 3000 euros available to reimburse doctoral students for travel to the Perth IFIP WG 8.2/8.6 working conference. Interested students should contact Nancy at
- There are alternatives to using Springer for proceedings, including the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series or another publisher with approval of the TC8 chair.
- The World Computer Congress will be in Brisbane 20-23 Sept 2010. The WCC will include a Doctoral Consortium and Supervisors' Workshop on 23 Sept 2010.
- Working Group 8.3 Decision Support Systems has a case study page that might be of interest to members and which welcomes new contributions:
- Ken Kendall (US) briefed the working group on the awards recommended by the group, the Silver Core and Outstanding Service award. The Silver Core is awarded to those who have served IFIP as General Assembly (GA) members, committee and working group officers and members of IFIP Congress Program Committees; the Outstanding Service award is awarded for services rendered to IFIP by those not eligible for the Silver Core. The working group will be making a call for nominations for awards, which can be emailed to Ken ( The Awards Committee (all past award winners) then decides whom to nominate to the TC8 for consideration.
Ken announced that working group member Isabel Ramos (PT) was awarded the Outstanding Service award earlier this year by TC8.
- Nancy noted the passing of long-time member, Dewald Roode (ZA).
- Nancy called for nomination of new members. The criteria for membership is having attended two meetings in the past three years. Two attendees had attended a prior business meeting and were nominated for membership:
- Yoshiaki Fukami, Keio University, Japan
- Akiko Orita, Chuo University, Japan
Moved by Nancy to accept these two as new member. Motion carried.
- Nancy briefed the group on plans for content on the IFIP WG 8.2 website. Nancy noted that the group until recently had a newsletter and suggested that it might be useful to bring it back to promote communications to the group. A newsletter has the advantage of being regularly created and pushed to members. These features could be replicated in part with the website. There was some discussion about how to facilitate and encourage contributions. Another member suggested creating a Facebook group or perhaps an group.
We are also trying to update information about past meetings. Nancy noted that she is writing a review of the WG's research for a paper at the upcoming Perth conference. If you have information about past conferences, copies of minutes from business meetings, old newsletters or other information, please share it with Nancy ( and the secretary, Kevin Crowston (
- Nancy briefed the group about past and future conferences
- Nancy thanked the organizer of today's OASIS workshop, Uri Gal (DK).
- The most recent OASIS (prior to the current one) was held in association with ICIS in Paris, December 2008.
- The most recent working group working meeting was in Guimares, June 2009 Portugal.
- The upcoming joint working conference (with IFIP 8.6) will be held in Perth, 30 March-1 April 2010. The conference theme is Human Benefit through the Diffusion of IS Design Science Research; papers were also accepted on traditional 8.2/8.6 themes. The conference include 20 papers and 3 panels in a single track. The conference includes an opening reception and a Wednesday dinner. The conference is trying to be green, e.g., no conference bag, so please bring your own. Conference registration will be AU$650 early (up to 1 Feb 2010) and AU$800 thereafter; AU$200 for students.
- Plans for a 2011 IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference were presented. The conference will be in Turku, Finland 6-8 June 2011, before ECIS (9-11 June 2011 in Helsinki). The CFP has been posted to the website ( The theme is "Researching the Future". The organizers are interested in papers that anticipate and influence the future and shaping future ICT-based practices--new philosophy, approaches, methods and IT-artifacts, as well as traditional WG 8.2 themes. Papers are due 1 Sept 2010. Submissions can be regular completed research (7000 words), panels and non-traditional submissions (e.g., fiction). In 2011, Turku will be Cultural Capital of Europe. It's on the Baltic Sea with a large archipelago.
- Nancy called for a volunteer to organize Oasis at ICIS 2010 in St. Louis. Eleanor Wynn volunteered to organize in Shanghai in 2011.
Nancy also noted that there are no current plans for a working conference after Turku, so she would welcome a proposal. Please contact her if you have ideas for a theme and location for 2012 or later.
The meeting ended at 4:48 MST.
--Submitted by Kevin Crowston (US), Secretary