Business meeting minutes, New Orleans, LA, USA, 16 December, 2001
New Orleans, USA
December 16, 2001
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by the Chair, David Avison (FR).
1. Introduction
David Avison began the meeting with a brief description of IFIP, TC 8, and IFIP Working Group 8.2.
2. Past Workshops and Working Conferences
David Avison reported that the IFIP Working Group 8.2 Oasis Workshop held in Brisbane in December 2000 was a great success. The IFIP Working Group 8.2 conference held in Boise was also very successful. The most recent workshop in New Orleans was well attended and much appreciated. On behalf of the group, David thanked Joe Nandhakumar (GB), John Venable (AU) and Kevin Crowston (US) for organising the workshop.
3. Forthcoming Workshops and Working Conferences
David Avison said that the next IFIP 8.2 Working Conference will be held in Barcelona in December 2002, just before ICIS. Edgar Whitley (GB) and Sandra Sieber (SP) spoke about the conference and handed out a call for papers. The conference will be hosted at the IESE Business School.
David Avison said that the following Working Conference will be a joint working conference with IFIP Working Group 9.4 to be held Athens from 15-17 June 2003 (immediately before ECIS). The title of the conference is "Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries." The Program Co-Chairs will be Mikko Korpela (FI) and Ramiro Montealegre (USA), with Angeliki Poulymenakou (GR) as Organizing Chair. There will be a one-day PhD supervisor's workshop before the conference.
David Avison mentioned that IFIP Working Group 8.2 is looking for volunteers to organise a workshop in December 2003, immediately before ICIS (to be held in the US). Anyone interested in organising such a workshop should contact the Chair.
There will be an IFIP Working Group 8.2 Working Conference in 2004 in Manchester, UK. This will be twenty years after the original Manchester 8.2 conference on research methods. Duane Truex (US) talked about the conference and said that it will be hosted by the University of Salford.
David Avison said that Working Group 8.2 is looking for proposals from those who might be interested in organising a Working Conference in 2005. Since the previous three working conferences will have been held in Europe, the group is keen to invite submissions from North America.
Richard Baskerville (US) mentioned that the IFIP World Computer Congress will be held in Montreal from August 25-30 2002. The theme of the congress is "Information Technology for our Times," the particular theme that Richard is co-chairing is "E-business."
4. Awards
David Avison briefly discussed the awards for IFIP Working Group 8.2 and said that Ken Kendall (US) is chairing a committee to nominate people for these awards. Ken Kendall reported that the committee had concluded its work for 2001 and had put forward nominations to IFIP. Last year Jan DeGross (US) received a Silver Core award, and Richard Welke (US) received an outstanding service award.
5. Oasis
David Avison mentioned that Oasis is published twice per year and is published only on the web. Julie Kendall (US) asked people to consider writing a brief column for OASIS and to send any short articles to her.
6. Elections for Committee (2003-2005)
David Avison thanked Gordon Davis (US) for his contribution to IFIP TC 8. George Kaspar (US) has now taken over as the US representative to IFIP. George Kaspar said that he is interested in receiving suggestions and input from members of IFIP WG 8.2.
David Avison said that elections will need to be held for a new committee of IFIP WG 8.2 in 2002. The new committee will serve from 2003-2005.
Richard Baskerville, Chair of the Elections Committee, suggested Rudy Hirschheim (US) and Juhani Iivari (FI) be elected as members of the election committee. This was MSC.
7. New Members
Kevin Crowston (US) mentioned that members can update their address details on the web. David Avison on behalf on the group thanked Kevin for his work as webmaster.
David Avison explained that people who have attended two recent business meetings are eligible to join IFIP WG 8.2. Names were solicited of individuals who were qualified and interested in becoming members of IFIP WG 8.2. It was MSC that the following people be approved for membership, subject to a check on attendance by the Secretary:
* Jeremy Rose (DK)
* Lisa Murphy (US)
* Cathy Middleton (CA)
* Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic (AU)
* Emmanuel Monod (FR)
* Roy Schmidt (US)
* Marshall Major (US).
8. Any other business
There was no further business and therefore the meeting was closed at 5.00pm.
—Michael D. Myers (NZ), Secretary