OASIS Workshop

Event date: 
2011-12-04 to 2025-02-12

Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS)

Call for Papers
2011 Pre-ICIS Workshop
Shanghai, China

9 AM - 4 PM Sunday, December 4, 2011
Shanghai International Convention Center

Submission Deadline: September 29, 2011 (note new deadline!)

Conference URL: http://ifipwg82.org/content/oasis-workshop

Electronic Submission System:

The IFIP Working Group 8.2 was established in 1977 as a working group concerned with "the interaction of information systems and the organization." The fluidity of IT over time has afforded and facilitated many new opportunities for organizing, conducting business, and collaborating. The 2011 OASIS workshop promotes understanding of the implications of these opportunities and the challenges they present to organizations.

We invite you to present your as-yet unpublished research at OASIS, the IFIP Working Group 8.2 research workshop. This year, we will have two types of presentation tracks:

1. “Almost Ready for Prime Time” for presentation and discussion in the traditional “stand and deliver, then take questions” format, and,

2. “Research in Progress” that will highlight work still under development and will feature small group discussions in a round-table format, for example, theoretical development, data collection, or data analysis “trouble-shooting sessions.”

The IFIP 8.2 working group focuses on the development and use of information technologies in organizational contexts, both broadly defined. The group seeks to generate and disseminate knowledge about and improve our understanding of the role and impact of information technology and to improve the design and application of information technologies that are both useful and effective for individuals, groups, organizations, and society at large.

The OASIS workshop is open to all interested scholars and professionals who are researching in the area of organizations, information systems, and society. The unique and collegial character of the IFIP Working Group 8.2 ensures constructive, helpful, and high-quality feedback. This is a great opportunity for you to share your research, meet IFIP WG 8.2 members, and learn about their research in a relaxed and supportive setting.

For more information about the Working Group, see http://ifipwg82.org/. Information on IFIP, the International Federation for Information Processing, can be found at http://www.ifip.org/.


1. “Almost Ready for Prime Time” please submit a 1200-1500 word extended abstract. Authors submitting to this track may also be asked to review one paper for the track.

2. “Research in Progress” please submit a 300-500 word abstract.

Submissions must be received by September 15, 2011. Abstracts will be reviewed and authors will be notified of acceptance by October 7, 2011. Working papers / extended abstracts from “Almost Ready for Prime Time” will be published online on SPROUTS following the meeting. Authors submitting abstracts must grant the IFIP WG 8.2 the right to publish them online, but will retain all other copyrights.

To submit your abstract to the workshop, upload an electronic copy of your abstract (including 3-4 key words on the abstract page) to the EasyChair Electronic Submission System:

Call for Reviewers:

Those interested in reviewing for this workshop should contact either one of the conference co-chairs listed below. OASIS members and non-members are invited to review.


The registration fee for the workshop is $80 for the cost of refreshments, audio-visual equipment, and duplication and other administrative costs. All attendees and presenters will be required to register. Online pre-registration for the workshop through the ICIS website will become available in September. In addition we will provide registration at the door on a cash-only basis. Details will be provided on the IFIP WG 8.2 Website (http://ifipwg82.org).

Time and Place:

The workshop will be held from 9 AM - 4 PM on Sunday, December 4, 2011, immediately prior to ICIS 2011, at the Shanghai International Convention Center. Details will be provided on the IFIP WG 8.2 Website and via email.

IFIP WG 8.2 Business Meeting:

All workshop attendees and anyone interested in IFIP WG 8.2 are encouraged to attend the WG business meeting that will follow the workshop at 4:10 PM. At the business meeting, we will discuss future workshops and working conferences, elect new members to the working group, and conduct other business.


If you have any questions regarding the workshop or the business meeting please contact the co-chairs at the addresses provided below. We look forward to seeing you in Shanghai!

Uzma Raja, University of Alabama, Conference co-Chair
A.P. (Tony) Ammeter, University of Mississippi, Conference co-Chair



We had issues with the previous link for OASIS 2011 submissions. Please use this link
