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Gianluca Miscione
Authenticating deeds / organizing society: Considerations for Blockchain-based Land Registries. In , DeVries W. (ed.). Responsible and Smart Land Management Interventions: An African Context. presented at the Jul, Routledge.
. (2020). Authenticating Deeds/Organizing Society. In Responsible and Smart Land Management Interventions (pp. 133–150). presented at the Jul, CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781003021636-14
. (2020). Buyers of ‘lemons’: How can a blockchain platform address buyers’ needs in the market for ‘lemons’?. Electronic Markets, 30, 227–239. presented at the Jun. doi:10.1007/s12525-019-00380-9
. (2020). Decision Problems in Blockchain Systems: old wine in new bottles of walking in someone else shoes?. Journal of Management Information Systems.
. (2020). . (2020).
Sources of Cryptocurrency Value Systems: The Case of Bitcoin. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 24, 474–496. presented at the Oct. doi:10.1080/10864415.2020.1806469
. (2020). The Bitcoin game: Ethno-resonance as method. Organization, 26, 517–536. presented at the Jul. doi:10.1177/1350508419828567
. (2019). Blockchain as organizational technology. presented at the Feb, University of Zurich. Retrieved from
. (2019). Buyers of Lemons: Addressing Buyers’ Needs in the Market for Lemons with Blockchain Technology. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. doi:10.24251/hicss.2019.223
. (2019). Carnival in the global village: Re-imagining information infrastructures. Information Society, 35, 299–313. presented at the Oct. doi:10.1080/01972243.2019.1647321
. (2019). A claim upon what? Cryptocurrencies as 'scene'. In . presented at the Feb, Edinburgh, Scotland.
. (2019). . (2019).
Der Blockchain-Hype – braucht es "Ockhams Rasiermesser"?. presented at the Feb, Inside IT Switzerland. Retrieved from
. (2019). Examining Gentle Rivalry: Decision-Making in Blockchain Systems. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. doi:10.24251/hicss.2019.550
. (2019). From authentication to ‘Hanseatic governance’: Blockchain as organizational technology. presented at the Jan.
. (2019). Hanseatic Governance: Understanding Blockchain as Organizational Technology. In . presented at the Sep.
. (2019). Watch Me Play: Twitch and the Rise of Game Live Streaming. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION. presented at the Jan, USC ANNENBERG PRESS.
. (2019). Blockchain infrastructures and their invisible carnivalesque. presented at the Apr, University of Munster.
. (2018). Coding Space / Organizing Society. presented at the Feb, Dublin.
. (2018). Consensus through blockchains: Exploring Governance across inter-organizational Settings. In International Conference on Information Systems 2018, ICIS 2018. presented at the Jan.
. (2018). Everything you always wished to know about Bitcoin but never dared to ask. presented at the Apr, Goteborg.
. (2018). Governance "of" vs. "by" blockchain. University of Munster.
. (2018). Information as practice. presented at the Jul, University of Warwick, UK.
. (2018). Practices of digital visibility: Wikileaks and Snowden as global whistleblowing cases. presented at the Apr, Goteborg.
. (2018). Sub-theme 61: Smart and Liveable Cities: Organizing Urban Governance and Leadership. presented at the Jul, Tallinn, Estonia.
. (2018).