Working Conference

Business meeting minutes, Tampa, FL, USA, 13 Dec 2012

IFIP 8.2

Brian Fitzgerald started the business meeting @ 3:05pm

1) Introduction of officers
2) Induction of 2 new members: Philip Raeth and Benjamin Mueller
3) Past conferences report: Turku and Shanghai OASIS
4) Potential Future conferences: joint conference venues:
a. Working conferences
i. UKAIS, April 2014 -- 3 votes
ii. ECIS 2014 Israel -- 2 votes
iii. ICIS 2014 Auckland -- 10 votes
b. OASIS workshop, Milan 2013
c. Under consideration: set regular submission deadlines for predictability

Shaping the Future of ICT Research: Methods and Approaches Working Conference

A working conference was held at University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA. Papers are due 1 July 2012. The call can be found at Read the proceedings online at Springer here.

Event date: 
2012-12-13 to 2025-03-10

Business meeting minutes, Turku, Finland, June 2011

The chair, Nancy Russo (US), called the meeting to order at 12:25 PM.

1. Nancy called for nominations of new members. One new member was nominated:

-- Dirk Hovorka (AU) (attended business meeting in Perth).

Nancy moved that Dirk be accepted as a member. Motion carried.

2. Nancy reviewed past and upcoming events. She thanked the organizers of the Turku conference for a successful conference just concluded. She noted the upcoming Oasis meeting before the ICIS conference in Shanghai in December 2012.

Submissions now open

Submissions are now open for the IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference in Turku, Finland (Monday, 6 June – Wednesday, 8 June 2011). Papers are due 1 Sep 2010. The full call can be found at

Extended Early Bird Registration & Call forParticipation, IFIP 8.2+8.6 Perth 2010

Dear all,

The conference organisers have extended early bird registration for the IFIP 8.2+8.6 Working Conference in Perth Western Australia until 31 January.

Further information is available on the conference website at

Also, please consider passing this on to your PhD students, as we are offering very good rates for students.

Best regards,
John Venable, Program and Local Arrangements Co-Chair
IFIP 8.2+8.6 Perth 2010
