Call for Papers: Pre-ICIS OASIS Workshop 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark

Value Positions and Criticality in Digital Transformation Research.

Event date: 

Business meeting minutes, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 15 December, 2009

IFIP WG 8.2 Business Meeting
Phoenix, AZ 15 Dec 2009

The meeting was called to order at 4pm by the Working Group Chair, Nancy Russo (US)

  1. Sue Conger, AIS VP for SIGs, Chapters and Affiliated Organizations, welcomed the group and encouraged people to continue their involvement with the Working Group and with AIS.
  2. Nancy Russo briefed the group on the outcomes of the recent TC8 meeting.

OASIS workshop 1999 in Charlotte, NC, USA

The OASIS workshop was held in conjunction with ICIS in Charlotte, NC, USA.

Event date: 
1999-12-12 to 2025-03-12

Business meeting minutes, Charlotte, NC, USA, 12 December, 1999

Charlotte, NC, USA
12 December 1999

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm. Richard Baskerville (USA) opened the meeting and briefly explained the purpose of IFIP WG 8.2.

1. Workshop and Working Conference proposals

Eleanor Wynn (USA) presented a proposal for a working conference on "Organizational Discourse about IT" to be held in Barcelona, Spain, in conjunction with ICIS in December 2002. Josep Valor spoke about the local arrangements in Barcelona.

Moved by Duane Truex (USA), Seconded by Marius Janson (USA) and carried that the working conference proposal be approved.

Business meeting minutes, Washington, DC, USA, 12 December, 2004

Washington, D.C., USA
December 12, 2004

Chair Julie Kendall (US) called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M.

1. Introduction

Julie introduced the other Working Group officers, Vice Chair Michael Myers (NZ) and Secretary Nancy Russo (US), and provided an overview of the meeting.

A special thank you was given to OASIS workshop organizers Isabel Ramos (PT) and Noriko Hara (US). The workshop was very well attended.

2. Past Meetings
