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Critically classifying: UK E-government website benchmarking and the recasting of the citizen as customer. Information Systems Journal, 19, 149-173. Retrieved from ISJ2009.pdf
. (2009). The challenge of building public technology infrastructure: issues of governance and sustainability in a digital business ecosystem. ( )Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Conference on Information Systems. Goteborg. Retrieved from ECIS2006Mary.pdf
. (2006). Configuring peer–to–peer software: An empirical study of how users react to the regulatory features of software. European Journal of Information Systems, 13, 95-102. Retrieved from EJIS2004.pdf
. (2004). Configuring peer–to–peer software: An empirical study of how users react to the regulatory features of software. ( )11th European Conference on Information Systems. Naples, Italy: Winner of best conference paper prize. Retrieved from ECIS2003.pdf
. (2003). Cultivating Recalcitrance in Information Systems Research. Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development.
. (2001). Change? What really happens when new information systems are introduced. ( )IS Research at the beginning of the Millenium: Searching for artifacts, metaphors and methodologies. Charlotte, NC: IFIP 8.2. Retrieved from IFIP821999b.pdf
. (1999). Creating and maintaining obligations with emerging technologies: An empirical study of mediated and face-to-face communication. Journal of computing and information technology, 6, 343-353. Retrieved from JCIT1998.pdf
. (1998). Creating and maintaining obligations: An empirical study of mediated and face–to–face communication. ( )5th European conference on information systems. Cork: Cork Publishing Ltd. Retrieved from ECIS1997.pdf
. (1997). Confusion, social knowledge and the design of intelligent machines. Journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence, 8, 365-381. Retrieved from JETAI1996.pdf
. (1996).