Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development: The Social and Organizational Perspective

Event date: 
2001-07-27 to 2025-02-10

Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development: The Social and Organizational Perspective
Boise, Idaho, USA
12-14 December 2001

Conference Objective and Scope

Information systems development (ISD) continues to be an issue of central significance and concern in the IS field. Despite the abundance of research, the area remains problematic, particularly in that the solutions most frequently proposed are technical ones which fail to fully address organisational and social concerns. Furthermore, the development environment is changing rapidly and fundamentally, yet academic treatment of ISD and ISD methods does not fully reflect this change. This working conference will focus on the broad area of information systems development and information systems development methods. In particular, papers, panels and tutorials are invited which discuss current and future perspectives of ISD and their potential organisational and social implications. Also, given that practice has often preceded theory in the IS arena, there is a need to expand our field of view to include ‘tales from the trenches’. Thus, of particular interest are papers strongly related to practice, either written solely by practising IS developers, or in collaboration with academic researchers.

Conference Topics

This is a suggested, but not exclusive, list of relevant topic areas.

* New paradigms for information system development
* Social and organisational impacts on the system development process
* The impact of system development processes on organisations and society
* ISD methods—empowerment or enslavement?
* Ethical issues in ISD
* The Open Source development model
* ISD in an E-Commerce context: Web applications, inter-organisational systems, global information systems
* ISD in a knowledge management context: knowledge discovery, data mining
* The role of ISD methods now and in the future
* ISD methods in organisations-adaptation and customisation strategies
* ISD issues in an application package and ERP context
* Lessons learned-descriptions/case studies of successes, failures, etc.

These papers appear in Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development: The Social and Organizational Perspective, edited by Nancy L. Russo, Brian Fitzgerald, and Janice I. DeGross, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001

Table of Contents

1 Directions in Information Systems Development: Integrating New Technologies, Research Approaches, and Development Practices
Nancy L. Russo and Brian Fitzgerald

Part 1: Developing Information Systems
2 Accommodating Emergent Work Practices: Ethnographic Choice of Method Fragments
Richard Baskerville and Jan Stage

3 Information Systems Development as Flowing Wholeness
Paulo Rupino da Cunha and António Dias de Figueiredo

4 Racing the E-Bomb: How the Internet Is Redefining Information Systems Development Methodology
Richard Baskerville and Jan Pries-Heje

5 The Use of Research-Based Information System Development Methods
Karin Hedström and Emma Eliason

6 Techniques and Methodologies for Multimedia Systems Development: A Survey of Industrial Practice
Michael Lang and Chris Barry

7 Enterprise Network Design: How Is it Done?
Judy Wynekoop, David Johnson, and Jim Finan

8 A Role-Based Framework for Information System Self-Development
Mart Roost, Rein Kuusik and Tarmo Veskioja

Part 2: Managing Information Systems
9 Developing a Methodology to Evaluate the Impact of Staff Perceptions on the Strategic Value of Information Systems in a Small to Medium Sized Enterprise
Robert Moreton and Diana Aiken

10 Due Process and the Introduction of New Technology: The Institution of Video Teleconferencing
Joe Nandhakumar and Richard Vidgen

11 Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation: Stories of Power, Politics, and Resistance
David Allen and Thomas Kern

12 Web Information Systems Management: Proactive or Reactive Emergence
Kristin R. Eschenfelder and Steve Sawyer

13 Better Safe than Sorry? In Search of an Internet Business Model in Online Entertainment
Ola Henfridsson, Helena Holmström, and Ole Hanseth

14 Consumer Privacy and Online Marketing: Bringing the Human Back into the Picture
Laurence Brooks and Alexis Airey

15 Observations from a Field Study on Developing a Framework for Pre-Usage Evaluation of CASE Tools
Adam Rehbinder, Brian Lings, Björn Lundell, Runo Burman, and Anette Nilsson

16 Software Process Maturity and Organizational Politics
Peter Axel Nielsen and Jacob Nørbjerg

17 Implications of a Service-Oriented View of Software
Paul Layzell

Part 3: Researching Information Systems
18 Method Diffusion as a Social Movement
Paul Beynon-Davies and Michael D. Williams

19 Using Structuration Theory in Action Research: An Intranet Development Project
Jeremy Rose and Paul Lewis

20 Cultivating Recalcitrance in Information Systems Research
Carsten Sørensen, Edgar A. Whitley, Shirin Madon, Dasha Klyachko, Ian Hosein, and Justine Johnstone

21 Implications of the Theory of Autopoiesis for the Discipline and Practice of Information Systems
Ian Beeson

22 Absent Friends? The Gender Dimension in Information Systems Research
Alison Adam, Debra Howcroft, and Helen Richardson

23 A New Paradigm for Considering Gender in Information Systems Development Research
Melanie Wilson

24 Two Times Four Integrative Levels of Analysis: A Framework
Mikko Korpela, Anja Mursu, and H. Abimbola Soriyan

25 Thoughts on Studying Open Source Software Communities
Joseph Feller

26 Managing Knowledge Development in the Network Economy: Methodological Contributions
Håkan Sterner

Part 4: Understanding Information Systems
27 Defining Away the Digital Divide: A Content Analysis of Institutional Influences on Popular Representations of Technology
Lynette Kvasny and Duane Truex

28 Doing Politics Around Electronic Commerce: Opposing the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill
Edgar A. Whitley and Ian Hosein

29 The Technology Imperative in Education
William T. Bonner and Abhijit Gopal

Part 5: Panels
30 What Do We Mean by Information Technology? Perspectives on Studying Computing
Steve Sawyer, Steven Haynes, Duane Truex, and Ojelanki Ngwenyama
31 Collaboration Between Academics and Practitioners Using Action Research
Frank Land, Lars Mathiassen, Bob Galliers, Mike Cushman, and Richard Baskerville
The case study presented to this panel is also available
Action research in the UK construction industry – the B-Hive Project
Mike Cushman

32 Knowledge Management Systems: Hype, Hope, or Folly?
Bob Galliers, Ellen Enkel, Lisa D. Murphy, and Sue Newell