IFIP Conference Papers


Fitzgerald, G. (1993). Approaches to the Development of Executive Information Systems and the Contrast with Traditional Systems Development. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development.
Parkin, P. V., Verner, J. M., & Cerpa, N.. (1993). End-User Computing: A Study of Three Management Models. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development.
Rapley, K. (1993). A Plausible Impossibility: Supporting Top Executives with Information Systems. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development.
Benjamin, R. I. (1993). Managing Information Technology Enabled Change. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development.
Heiskanen, A. (1993). Organizational Metaphors and Information Systems Practice: A Case Example of Implementation Strategy Formulation. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development.
Fischer, S., Doodeman, M., Vinig, T., & Achterberg, J.. (1993). Boiling the Frog or Seducing the Fox: Organizational Aspects of Implementing CASE Technology. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development.
Little, S. E. (1993). The Organizational Context of Systems Development. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development.
Ledington, P., & Heales, J.. (1993). The Social Context of Information Systems Development: An Appreciative Field Perspective. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development.
Jones, M., & Nandhakumar, J.. (1993). Structured Development? A Structurational Analysis of the Development of an Executive Information System. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development.


Lyytinen, K., & Kendall, K. E.. (1992). Research Themes Encompassing Computer Supported Technologies for Information Systems Development. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
Wynekoop, J. L., Senn, J. A., & Conger, S. A.. (1992). The Implementation of Case Tools: An Innovation Diffusion Approach. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
Sumner, M. (1992). The Impact of Computer-Assisted Software Engineering on Systems Development. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
Aaen, I., Siltanen, A., Sørensen, C., & Tahvanainen, V. - P.. (1992). A Tale of Two Countries: Case Experiences and Expectations. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
Becker, S. A., McGuire, E. G., & Niederman, F.. (1992). A Preliminary Study on the Group Dynamics of the Cleanroom Systems Development Process. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
Klenke, K. (1992). Leadership Processes in Computer Mediated Work Groups: Implications of Information Systems Development and Leadership Studies. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
Jr., L. W. A., & Dickson, G. W.. (1992). Phased System Design, Development, and Implementation: Process and Technology. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
Vician, C., DeSanctis, G., Poole, M. S., & Jackson, B. M.. (1992). Using Group Technologies to Support the Design of "Lights Out" Computing Systems: A Case Study. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
Davies, L., & Nielsen, S.. (1992). An Ethnographic Study of Configuration Management and Documentation Practices. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
Jones, M., & Walsham, G.. (1992). The Limits of the Knowable: Organizational and Design Knowledge in Systems Development. The Impact of Computer Supported Technologies in Information Systems Development.
