Gianluca Miscione

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioSources of Cryptocurrency Value Systems: The Case of Bitcoin Gianluca Miscione03 years 9 months ago
BiblioAuthenticating Deeds/Organizing Society Gianluca Miscione03 years 9 months ago
BiblioIsole ultra libearli Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
Blog entryGianluca Miscione's footprints Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioHegemonies in classification processes: introduction Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioOpen philosophies for associative autopoietic digital ecosystems: community networks and digital ecosystems-sociological Aspects: powerpoint Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioInfrastructures and their invisible carnivalesque Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioSpatial Data: Market and Infrastructure. Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioSDI in North and South—A Full Circle Yet? Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioNarrating the stories of leaked data: The changing role of journalists after Wikileaks and Snowden Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioThe'Business' of Authentication-From Iron Cage to Silicon Enclosure? Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioTheorising development and technological change Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioDesperately seeking the IS in GIS Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioA Postcode not for Post Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioSpatial data infrastructures in context: North and South Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioBitcoin and the Blockchain: A Coup D'État in Digital Heterotopia? Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioBitcoin and the Blockchain: A Coup D'État in Digital Heterotopia? Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioSui Limiti Della Rete (On the Net Boundaries) Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioMaking Sustainable Open Source Software Infrastructures by Federating and Learning in the Global Context Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioDigital Currencies as Infrastructures Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioHegemonies in classification: an introduction Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioI limiti della strutturazione dell'informazione in rete-pratiche e semantic web Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioMyth, management of the unknown Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BiblioOverflows of Technological Innovation in Emerging Economies: The Case of M-Pesa Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
BibliohAcK3rZ and Information Warfare Gianluca Miscione06 years 11 months ago
