Michael D Myers

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioWhat does the best IS research look like? An analysis of the AIS basket of top journals Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioICT for Development: Two Contradictory Stories of an ICT Initiative Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioCritical Ethnography as a Means to Holistically Understand the Implementation of Information Systems Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioDominant actors, political agendas, and strategic shifts over time: A critical ethnography of an enterprise systems implementation Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioThe Challenges of Enterprise Integration: Cycles of Integration and Disintegration over Time Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioEnterprise Systems Implementation Failure: The Role of Organizational Defensive Routines Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioThree Perspectives: If Markus' 1983 Classic Study, "Power, Politics, and MIS Implementation," Were Being Reviewed Today Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioJudging Qualitative Research in Information Systems: Criteria for Accepting and Rejecting Manuscripts Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioExtending Design Science Research Methodology for a Multicultural World Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioThe Identity and Dynamics of MIS Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioWhen success turns into failure: a package-driven business process re-engineering project in the financial services industry Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioBPR Success Or Failure? A Business Process Re-Engineering Project In The Financial Services Industry Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioPublishing in the ERA era Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioIS Research Relevance Revisited: Subtle Accomplishment, Unfulfilled Promise, or Serial Hypocrisy? Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioIS Research Relevance Revisited: Subtle Accomplishment, Unfulfilled Promise, or Serial Hypocrisy? Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioIS Action Research: Can We Serve Two Masters? Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioA Classification Scheme for Interpretive Research in Information Systems Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioA Set of Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioWhat do we like about the IS field? Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioOASIS in the Mirror: Reflections on the Impacts and Research of IFIP WG 8.2 Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioLearning and Teaching Qualitative Research: A View from Reference Disciplines of History and Anthropology Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioAssessing Three Theories of Information Systems Innovation: An Interpretive Case Study of a Funds Management Company Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioScholarship and Practice: The Contribution of Ethnographic Research Methods to Bridging the Gap Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioScholarship and practice: the contribution of ethnographic research methods to bridging the gap Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
BiblioIT Industry Success and the Knowledge Economy: A Four Country Study Michael D Myers014 years 3 months ago
