Business meeting minutes, Perth, Australia, 1 April 2010
IFIP WG 8.2 Business meeting minutes, Perth, Australia
1 April 2010
Chair Nancy Russo (US) called the meeting to order at 9:40 AM.
1. Nancy announced that Eileen Trauth (US) was awarded the Silver Core award.
2. Nancy mentioned that the previous working conference was held in Guimaraes, Portugal and an Oasis workshop was held in Phoenix at ICIS. Abstracts are available in the Sprouts working paper repository.
3. The next Oasis workshop will be held on 12 December 2010 at ICIS in St. Louis, MO, USA. The organizer is Hala Annabi (US). Nancy called for another volunteer to help organize. She noted that Hala has been asked to look at more interactive formats to provide feedback to authors.
4. Nancy noted that the next working conference will be held in Turku, Finland, 6-8 June 2011 (right before ECIS in Helsinki). The theme is Researching the Future. Michael Myers (NZ) gave a brief presentation on the conference. He noted that Turku will be the European cultural capital in 2011. The conference organizers are:
General Chairs: Michael Myers, University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand
Jacob Nørbjerg, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Organizing Chairs: Helena Karsten, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Barbro Back, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Program Co-Chairs: Mike Chiasson, Lancaster University, UK
Ola Henfridsson, Viktoria Institute, Sweden & University of Oslo, Norway
Papers are due 1 September 2010 on the theme or on any topic of interest to the working group.
5. Nancy noted that we do not have formal proposal for a conference after 2011 and asked for if the attendees had ideas. One comment was that we were overdue for a methodology conference. Karlheinz Kautz (DK) suggested that changes in publishing and teaching might be a topic. Nancy noted that there is an informal proposal for Galway in 2012 that will be formally presented at the December conference.
6. Nancy called for an organizer for the Oasis workshop in 2011 at ICIS at Shanghai.
7. Nancy noted that the working group needed to discuss publication more. She noted that Springer now gives 45 copies of the proceedings to conference organizers, which helps the budget a lot, so the financial concern is less pressing.
8. Jan Pries-Heje (DK) gave a short presentation on the budget of IFIP TC 8. TC8 gets income from royalties from publications (a 25% share) and the per delegate charge from working conference (a 75% share). This year that was about a 1000 euro in royalties and 3000 euros in charges. TC8 has about euro 30,000 in the bank. He noted that the only asset IFIP owns is the copyright on articles.
He also discussed the new IFIP publication policy. Proceedings can be in either the IFIP or LNCS series. Conference organizers get 45 free copies. Proceedings can be bought on USB sticks or DVD (euro 35 for a USB). Springer now does more of the production--they only need the source of papers.
John Venable (AU) noted that its still a problem if the only access to the proceedings is through Springer, meaning that they are not very accessible. If they can allow access, e.g., through AIS, that would be an improvement. Jan noted though that Springer sells subscriptions, so AIS would have to buy there way in.
9. Nancy called for nomination for new members. The rule is that to become a member, a person needs to have attended 2 business meetings in the past 3 years.
Kieran Conboy (IE) was nominated for membership, pending a check of the records.
10. Nancy called for new business. There was no new business.
The meeting was closed at 10:10 AM.
--Submitted by Kevin Crowston, Secretary.