Global and Organizational Discourse About Information Technology

Event date: 
2002-12-12 to 2024-07-17

Global and Organizational Discourse about Information Technology
Barcelona Spain
12-14 December 2002

These papers appear in Global and Organizational Discourse about Information Technology, edited by Eleanor H. Wynn, Edgar A. Whitley, Michael D. Myers and Janice I. DeGross, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2002

Table of Contents

1 Placing Language in the Foreground: Themes and Methods in Information Technology Discourse
Eleanor H. Wynn, Edgar A. Whitley, and Michael D. Myers

Part 1: Keynotes

2 Talking the IS Innovation Walk
E. Burton Swanson

3 Figuring Service in Discourses of ICT: The Case of Software Agents
Lucy Suchman

Part 2: Analytical Frameworks

4 Transitioning Toward an Internet Culture: An Interorganizational Analysis of Identity Construction from Online Services to Intranets
Roberta Lamb and Mark Poster

5 Discourse on E-Mail in Use
Mats Edenius

6 When Does a Computer Speak the Truth? The Problem of IT and Validity Claims
Bernd Carsten Stahl

7 Conceptualizing Information Technology in the Study of Information Systems: Trends and Issues
Steve Sawyer and Tina T. Chen

8 A Research Note on Capturing Technology: Toward Moments of Interest
Ian Hosein

9 The Phenomenology of Information Systems Evaluation: Overcoming the Subject/Object Dualism
Lucas D. Introna and Louise Whittaker

Part 3: Critical Research

10 Organizational Discourse as a Social Defense: Taming the Tiger of Electronic Government
David G. Wastell

11 The Discourse of Learning Technology in Canada: Understanding Communication Distortions and
Their Implications for Decision Making
Wendy Cukier, Catherine Middleton, and Robert Bauer

Part 4: Mobilization of Power

12 Rhetoric of Enrollment and Acts of Resistance: Information Technology as Text
Melanie Wilson

13 The Discourse of a Large Scale Organizational Transformation: The Reengineering of IBM, 1989-1994
Emmanuel Monod, Duane Truex, and Richard Baskerville

14 The Digital Divide at Work and Home: The Discourse about Power and Underrepresented Groups in the Information Society
Lynette Kvasny and Eileen M. Trauth

Part 5: IS Planning and Projects

15 Arguing for Information Systems Project Definition
Mike Metcalfe and Maureen Lynch

16 The Nature and Role of Generative Systemic Metaphor Within Information Systems Planning and Development
C. J. Atkinson

Part 6: Globalization, Development, and Space

17 ICT, Power, and Developmental Discourse: A Critical Analysis
Mark Thompson

18 The Importance of Being Nearest: Nearshore Software Outsourcing and Globalization Discourse
Pamela Abbott and Matthew Jones

Part 7: Enterprise Resource Planning

19 Discourse, Management Fashions, and ERP Systems
Chris Westrup

20 Interconnecting Information Systems Narrative Research: An End-to-End Approach for Process-Oriented Field Studies
Erica L. Wagner

21 Dominant Technological Discourses in Action: Paradigmatic Shifts in Sense Making in the Implementation of an ERP System
Jeremy Rose and Pernille Kræmmergaard

Part 8: Public Institutions

22 Knowledge Work in Hospitals
Gunnar Ellingsen 465

23 In a Mood to Make Sense of Technology: A Longitudinal Study of Discursive Practices at the London Ambulance Service
Kathy McGrath

24 ERP Adoption: Selling the System
Dave Oliver and Lyn Oliver

Part 9: Panels

25 Visual Elements in the Discourse on Information Technology
Mark Ackerman, Brian T. Pentland, Sajda Qureshi, and Elaine K. Yakura

26 Discourse and Organizational Transformation in Information Systems Research
Michael Barrett, Loizos Heracleous, Wanda Orlikowski and Niki Panteli

27 New Words and Old Books: Challenging Conventional Discourses About Domain and Theory in Information Systems Research
Bonnie Kaplan, Lynette Kvasny, Steve Sawyer, and Eileen M. Trauth