IS Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalization

Event date: 
2003-06-15 to 2025-02-10

IS Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalization
IFIP Working Groups 8.2 and 9.4 Joint Conference
Athens Greece
15 - 17 June 2003

The conference focuses on organizational information systems from a global perspective. ‘Globalization’ can be seen as a contradictory process, which may imply increased interconnectedness of local actors but also ‘globalism’ in the form of increased transnational uniformity. Following Geoff Walsham, the Joint 8.2+9.4 conference urges Information Systems researchers around the globe “to study particular individuals, groups, organizations, or societies in detail, and in context.” Contextually aware studies of organizational information systems from all parts of the world form the basis for comparisons and inferences from a global viewpoint in this conference.

The conference was preceded by the First IS PhD Supervisors’ Workshop on Saturday, 14 June 2003.

These papers appear in Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization, edited by Ramiro Montealegre, Mikko Korpela and Angeliki Poulymenakou, , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 2003
Full Papers

1 Perspectives and Challenges of Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization: Introduction to the Theme
Mikko Korpela, Ramiro Montealegre and Angeliki Poulymenakou

Part 1: Work Practices and their Transformation
2 ICTs Supporting Targetmania: How the UK Health Sector is Trying to Modernise
Kathy McGrath

3 Counter Networks, Communication and Health Information Systems: A Case Study from Mozambique
Emílio Luís Mosse and Sundeep Sahay

4 Coordinating Work with Groupware: The Challenge of Integrating Protocol and Artefact
Jens Kaaber Pors and Jesper Simonsen

5 CRM in Call Centres: The Logic Of Practice
Helen J. Richardson

6 Back to Basics: Sharing Goals And Developing Trust In Global Virtual Teams
Robert Tucker and Niki Panteli

Part 2: Organizations, Corporations and Institutions
7 Have You Got Anything to Declare? Neo-Colonialism, Information Systems, and the Imposition of Customs and Duties in a Third World Country
Mariyam S. Adam and Michael D. Myers

8 Innovation Theories in Retrospect: The Case of Electronic Commerce Adoption in Small Business in New Zealand
Nabeel A. Y. Al-Qirim

9 Organizational and National Issues of an ERP Implementation in a Portuguese Company
Jose Esteves, Joan Pastor and João Carvalho

10 ICTs and Organizational Control across Cultures: The Case of a UK Multinational Operating in China
Wei Liu and Chris Westrup

11 On the Implementation of an Information System in the Mozambican Context: The EDM case
Esselina Macome

12 Implementing Global Information Technology Product in a Localized Context: An Exploratory Study of ERP System Implementation in China
Gary S C Pan, Shan L Pan, Xin-Xin Chen and Donal Flynn

Part 3: ICT Industries and Systems Development
13 The Process of Offshore Software Development: Preliminary Studies of UK Companies in Malaysia
Aini Aman and Brian Nicholson

14 China Telecommunications Transformation in Globalization Context: A Structuration Perspective
Ping Gao and Kalle Lyytinen

15 Factors Influencing Ireland’s Software Industry: Lessons for Economic Development Through IT
Ciara Heavin, Brian Fitzgerald and Eileen M. Trauth

16 Russian High-Speed Software Development: Overcoming the Challenges of Globalization
Jan Pries-Heje, Richard Baskerville and Galina Ianshina Hansen

17 Institutional Structures and Participation: Comparative Case Studies from India
S.K. Puri and Sundeep Sahay

Part 4: Societal Dynamics
18 Social Exclusion and Information Systems in Community Healthcare
Tony Cornford and Ela Klecun-Dabrowska

19 Knowledge, NGOs and Networks: Applying Epistemology To The Work Of Development
Justine Johnstone

20 Less Cyber, More Café: Design Implications for Easing the Digital Divide with Locally Social Cyber Cafés
Tony Salvador, John W. Sherry and Alvaro E. Urrutia

21 Can e-Marketplaces Bridge The Digital Divide?
C. Standing, I. Sims, R. Stockdale and A. Wassenaar

22 The Footprint of RegulationHow Information Systems are Affecting the Sources of Control in a Global Economy
Prodromos Tsiavos, Ian Hosein and Edgar A. Whitley

Part 5: Cultural, Philosophical and Policy Issues
23 The Link Between ICT and Economic Growth in the Discourse of Development
Chrisanthi Avgerou

24 Good Governance and Development Aid: Risks and Challenges of E-Government in Jordan
Claudio Ciborra and Diego D. Navarra

25 The Emergence of ICTs for Developing Countries: Using Dramatistic Analysis to Identify the Heroes and Villains
Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall and Muhammadou M.O. Kah

26 The ‘Ear’ And ‘Eye’ Digital Divide
Mike Metcalfe and Carmen Joham

27 Cross-Cultural IS Adoption in Multinational Corporations: A Study of Rationality
Gamila Shoib and Joe Nandhakumar

Part 6: Panels
28 Professional Societies in Information Systems: A Force for Globalisation or Good?
Robert Davison, Ernest Jordan, Carol Hsu and Chrisanthi Avgerou

29 Open Source and Free Software: Organizational and Societal Implications
Joseph Feller, Brian FItzgerald, Jan Ljungberg and Magnus Berquist
Research in Progress Papers
Please, do not reproduce without permission. © reserved by the authors

1 Perspectives and Challenges of Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization
Mikko Korpela, Ramiro Montealegre and Angeliki Poulymenakou

2 Development, Global Futures and IS Research: A Polemic
Geoff Walsham

Part 1: Work Practices and their Transformation
3 Data Quality Issues in Community Health Information Systems in Developing Countries
Lucy Firth, Jenny Pang, Jennifer Sampson and Graeme Shanks

4 A Multifaceted Approach to Distributed Communities of Learning and Practice
Helen Hasan and Kathryn Crawford

5 Organizational Infrastructure Framework for Information Technology Innovation: An Economic Development Example
Dawn Jutla, Peter Bodorik and Steven Feindel

6 Context-Aware Framework of Knowledge Management: Cultural and Infrastructural Considerations
Adekunle Okunoye

7 Debriefing Knowledge Management Interventions: The Role of Technological Design and Organisational Fit
Kostas Samiotis and Angeliki Poulymenakou

Part 2: Organizations, Corporations and Institutions
8 Reconceptualizing Information Systems as Social Institutions: Dynamic Institutional Theory
Bongsug Chae

9 Vertical or Integrated Health Programmes? The Consequences for the Laboratory Information System in Mozambique
Baltazar Chilundo and Margunn Aanestad

10 IT Acquisition: The Need for a Systemic IT Strategy. Examples from Nepal and Venezuela
Carmen Joham and Junelee Pradham

11 An Interpretive Approach to Examine the Impact of IOS on Organisational Flexibility
Evangelia Kopanaki and Steve Smithson

12 Information Systems in Networks of Small Firms: Challenges in a Globalized World
Renata Lèbre La Rovere

13 The Cuban National Healthcare System: A Qualitative Case Analysis of Virtual Infrastructures
Ann C. Séror

14 Second Wave ERP: Local Implementation Challenges
Andrew Stein, Paul Hawking and Susan Foster

Part 3: ICT Industries and Systems Development
15 Implementing Global Strategies in a Local Context: Software Outsourcing in the Caribbean
Pamela Y. Abbott

16 Thinking Local, Acting Global: Issues of Identity and Related Tensions in Global Software Organizations in India
Marisa D’Mello

17 An Investigation of the Use of Methods within Information Systems Development Projects
Gaye Kiely and Brian Fitzgerald

18 ICT for Development: Sustainable Systems for Local Needs
Anja Mursu, Abimbola Soriyan and Mikko Korpela

19 Offshore Software Sourcing by Small Firms: An Analysis of Risk, Trust and Control
Brian Nicholson and Erran Carmel

20 Structuring Coordination and Communication in Global Software Work: A Case Study
Rajeev Sharma and S. Krishna

Part 4: Societal Dynamics
21 Health Information Systems for Primary Health Care: Thinking About Participation
Elaine Byrne and Sundeep Sahay

22 Studying the Developmental Impact of e-Governance Initiatives: An Exploratory Framework
Shirin Madon

23 ICT in Developing Countries: A Cross-Sectoral Snapshot
Alexander Osterwalder

24 Adopting Technological Solutions in an Alliance Setting: The Case of Global eManagement MBA
Elpida Prasopoulou and Athanasia Pouloudi

Part 5: Cultural, Philosophical and Policy Issues
25 ICTs in Developing Countries and the Role of the Nation State: Building a Software Industry and Bridging a Digital Divide? The Case of Jordan
Saheer Al Jaghoub and Chris Westrup

26 Digital Divide and the Future of the ‘Information Society’: Is the Digital Divide the Biggest Socio-Economic Problem for the Future of the Information Society?
Dimitrios A. Brachos, Konstantinos C. Kostopoulos and Klas Eric Soderquist

27 Bounded Rationality and Sectoral Differences in Diffusion of National IT Policies
Peter Meso, Ricardo M. Checchi, Galen R. Sevcik, Karen D. Loch and Detmar W. Straub

28 Towards a Mature Understanding of “Culture” in Information Systems Security Research: Insights from Research
Jill Slay, Kathy Darzanos, Gerald Quirchmayr and Andy Koronios