The meeting opened at 05:15pm


Matthew Jones welcomed Members, Friends and Guests. He reported the apologies of Eija Karsten and Benjamin Mueller who were unable to attend the meeting.

The current officers are Eija Karsten (Chair), Matthew Jones (Vice Chair) and Benjamin Mueller (Secretary). The normal term of office is 3 years in each role. Eija Karsten is therefore intending to continue as Chair until the end of 2021 and elections will not be needed in 2020

3. MEETING ATTENDANCE (36 + 1 officer)
Matthew Jones passed out a list for attendees to sign up.

Matthew Jones explained the procedure for becoming a member (attendance at 2 of the past 3 Business Meetings i.e. Dublin, Seoul and San Francisco). Matthew Jones asked first time attendees to sign up for an account on WG8.2’s homepage.


Matthew Jones reported on the Munich OASIS Workshop. 49 participants had registered. There were 11 longer papers that were discussed at 4 round tables and 11 short papers that were presented as posters and discussed in a World Cafe format (4 rounds of 15 minutes). A panel on post-digitalisation with Elizabeth Teracino, Marleen Huysman and Matthew Jones was chaired by Elena Parmiggiani. Marius Mikalsen, Elena Parmiggiani and Benjamin Mueller were thanked for their help in organising the workshop.

Matthew Jones announced the arrangements for the 2020 Working Conference to be held in Hyderabad, India from December 10. – 11. This is a joint event with WG 9.1 (ICT and Work) and WG 9.4 (Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries). The title of the conference is “The future of digital work: the challenge of inequality. Keynotes will be given by Renana Jhabvala, a social activist associated with the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) and Michael Barrett fo the University of Cambridge. The Program Chairs
are Rajendra Bandi, Eric Monteiro and Ranjini Raghavendra. The Deadline for full papers is 27 May 2020

The next OASIS workshop will be in association with ICIS in Austin, Texas, December 12-15 2021. Matthew Jones invited members to get involved in planning the event. Emmanuel Monod volunteered to help.

Mattthew Jones reported that TC8 had asked whether any working group would be interested in organising a summer school in Cape Verde. It was noted that such an event could only happen if there was a group of people from WG8.2 who would be willing to take responsibility for it and the WG8.2 had no funding to support it. Concerns were raised about the environmental and financial costs of running such an event. In the absence of any volunteers it was agreed that it was unlikely that WG8.2 would be able to take on the organisation.

7. AOB
There was no other business

The meeting closed at 05:25pm