CFP: Pre-ICIS Workshop on Post-Digitalization

Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS)
Pre-ICIS Workshop on Post-Digitalization
December 14, 2019, Munich

Submission link and full cfp:

Submission deadline: September 2, 2019

Digitalization: What’s next?
Workshop Theme: Digitalization and its implications for organizations and society are currently attracting a lot of interest in the Information Systems literature. For OASIS 2019, we ask what will happen once the temporary excitement about digitalization ceases and phenomena currently discussed as digital (e.g. digital innovation, digital transformation, digital business strategy) have become inherently and so naturally digital that they are not discussed separately anymore? The 2019 OASIS workshop aims to promote reflection on the opportunities and challenges that the Post-Digitalization era might present to organizations and society. Similarly, we are seeking papers that challenge the IS domain itself to position itself in a world where digital has become pervasive.
We want to propose an inclusive agenda by embracing both the more traditional IFIP 8.2 community and being open towards other relevant topics outside IFIP 8.2.

About OASIS: We invite you to present your research at OASIS, the IFIP Working Group 8.2 research workshop. The IFIP 8.2 Working Group focuses on the development and use of information technologies in organizational contexts, both broadly defined. The group seeks to generate and disseminate knowledge about and improve understanding of the role and impact of information technology, and to improve the design and application of information technologies that are both useful and effective for individuals, groups, organizations and society at large. The OASIS workshop is open to all interested scholars and professionals who are researching in the area of organizations, information systems, and society. The unique and collegial character of the IFIP Working Group 8.2 ensures constructive, helpful and high-quality feedback. This is a great opportunity for you to share your research, meet IFIP WG 8.2 members and learn about their research in a relaxed and supportive setting.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Design, implementation, and/or use of future digital systems (who is involved, what, how, where?)
- IS research in the age of big data and data science
- Data and services everywhere
- Service platform ecosystems
- The transformation of the public sector/sphere
- The future of the ‘digital’ organization
- Environmental sustainability
- The ethical consequences of digitalization
- The role of automation in system design, implementation, and/or use
- Changed human/machine relations (related to e.g., automation)

For more information about the Working Group, see Information on IFIP, the International Federation for Information Processing, can be found at

To present, please submit your manuscript by September 2nd, 2019, following one of the following formats:
• “Almost Ready for Prime Time”: please submit a max 3000-word article. Authors submitting to this track may also be asked to review one paper for the track.
• “Research in Progress”: please submit a 300-500 word abstract.

Submissions will be reviewed and authors will be notified of acceptance by October 18th, 2019.
Submissions will be made available online prior to the meeting. Authors submitting abstracts must grant the IFIP WG 8.2 the right to publish them online, but will retain all other copyrights.
To submit your abstract to the workshop, upload an electronic copy of your abstract (including 3-4 key words on the abstract page) at

The registration fee for the workshop is $90 and includes refreshments and a light lunch. All attendees and presenters will be required to register. Online pre-registration for the workshop through the ICIS website will become available along with general conference registration. Details will be provided on the IFIP WG 8.2 Website (

Time and Place:
The workshop will be held on December 14, 2019, in Munich, in association with ICIS. Further details as well as a full program will be provided on the IFIP WG 8.2 Website and via email.
To make the program interesting and involving, we anticipate different format of interaction beyond the traditional roundtables for paper development. Details will be shared with the final program.

IFIP WG 8.2 Business Meeting:
All workshop attendees and anyone interested in IFIP WG 8.2 are encouraged to attend the WG’s business meeting that will follow the workshop at 5:00 PM. At the business meeting, we will discuss future workshops and working conferences, elect new members to the working group, and conduct other business.

If you have any questions regarding the workshop or the business meeting please contact the co-chairs at:
Benjamin Mueller
Matthew Jones
Marius Mikalsen
Elena Parmiggiani

We look forward to seeing you in Munich!