Members' Papers


Dery, K. F., MacCormick, J. S., & Myers, M. D.. (2008). To Be Seen, Or Not To Be Seen: A Study of Blackberrys in the Context of Organizational Surveillance. In 24th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium. presented at the 10-12 July, Amsterdam.
Lamp, J. W., Myers, M. D., Fisher, J., Wilson, D., Tan, F. B., & Bunker, D.. (2008). Publishing in the ERA era. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. presented at the 3-5 December, Christchurch.
Peiris, D. A. K., Sheridan, D. P., Gallupe, B. R., & Myers, M. D.. (2008). A Conceptual Framework of an Adaptive and Innovative Recommender Generating Online Learning System. 39th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute . presented at the November 22-25, Baltimore, Maryland. Retrieved from
Tuunanen, T., Myers, M. D., & Cassab, H.. (2008). Challenges of Consumer Information Systems Development: The Case of Interactive Television Services. In D. Avison, Kasper, G. M., Pernici, B., Ramos, I., & Roode, D. (Eds.), Advances in Information Systems Research, Education and Practice (pp. 89-100). New York: Springer.
Von Vangerow, A., & Myers, M. D.. (2008). Integration of Different ERP Systems – The Case of Mergers and Acquisitions. (W. Huang & Teo, H. H., Eds.)Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. Suzhou, China.
Morawczynski, O., & Miscione, G.. (2008). Examining trust in mobile banking transactions: The case of M-PESA in Kenya. In IFIP International Conference on Human Choice and Computers (pp. 287–298). Springer, Boston, MA.
Miscione, G., Staring, K., & Georgiadou, P. Y. A.. (2008). A federative view for information infrastructures in developing contexts. In Proceedings of the 10th international conference on social implications of computers in developing countries: assessing the contribution of ICT to development goals.
Miscione, G., & Aanestad, M.. (2008). Organizational learning in health care: Situating free and open source software. In (Vol. 267, pp. 372–373). presented at the Jan. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-09768-8_31
Miscione, G., Staring, K., & Kanjo, C.. (2008). Networks of Action and Health Information Infrastructure: enabling Federations. In Theme: Towards an ICT Research Agenda for African Development (pp. 36–36).
Miscione, G., Gordon, D., & Johnston, K.. (2008). Free and Open Source Software in low-income countries: Emergent properties?. In (Vol. 282, pp. 351–355). presented at the Sep. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-84822-8_24
Morawczynski, O., & Miscione, G.. (2008). Examining trust in mobile banking transactions: The case of M-PESA in Kenya. In (Vol. 282, pp. 287–298). presented at the Sep. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-84822-8_19


Colburn, T., & Shute, G.. (2007). Abstraction in Computer Science. Minds and Machines, 17(2), 169 - 184. presented at the 2007/07/01/. Retrieved from
Usher, R., & Edwards, R.. (2007). Connecting Lifelong Learning. Lifelong Learning – Signs, Discourses, Practices. presented at the 2007///. Retrieved from
De Jonghe, A. - M. (2007). DEALING WITH DILEMMAS IN CONTEMPORARY HIGHER EDUCATION. The Challenges of Educating People to Lead in a Challenging World. presented at the 2007///. Retrieved from
