IFIP WG 8.2 Officers Election
The terms of officers for Working Group 8.2 will be ending in December and so it is time for an election.
There are three elected officers of the WG: Chair, Vice-chair, and Secretary. The tradition has been to move our chairs through the three offices. The vice-chair is assumed to be chair-elect and the secretary is assumed to be vice-chair-elect. A new secretary is elected to join the officers and to start this rotation.
Click on "Go to form" to see the ballot. You must be a member of IFIP WG 8.2 and logged in to the website to vote (see the instructions below).
This year's slate:
For chair:
- Ulrike Schultze (currently Vice Chair)
For vice-chair
- Eija Karsten (currently Secretary)
For secretary (click on the person's name to read their position statement):
(NB. Technically, IFIP Technical Committee 8 holds the power to appoint the officers of its Working Groups. However, TC 8 has traditionally allowed its working groups to initiate and advise the Committee on respective working group officers; and this advice has been treated as final by TC 8 chairpersons. New officers elected by WG 8.2 are brought to TC 8 meetings by the WG 8.2 chair, recorded and forwarded to IFIP without further action by TC 8.)
To vote, first login to the site with your username and password. If you have forgotten your username, click on your name in the list of members; your username will be at the top of your profile in bold (it's most often your first and last name with a space). If you have forgotten your password, click here to have a new password mailed to you. If your email address has changed so you don't get the email with the new password (and didn’t get the first email about the election), please contact Kevin Crowston to ask for it to be updated. Once you're logged in, please check that your profile is up to date (note that the "member since" information is only how long you’ve had an account on the website; it’s not how long you’ve been a member of the WG).
Please cast your votes below (either for a nominee or a write in candidate). The election has been extended to 2 Dec 2015 (AOE).