Matthew Jones
I have been a member of IFIP 8.2 since 1992, and was Organising Chair for the 1995 conference (at which Bruno Latour and Shoshana Zuboff were keynote speakers) although in recent years my attendance at WG events has been rather sporadic due to family commitments. Historically, I see WG8.2 as having played an important role in the IS field in promoting methodological diversity and engagement with organisational and social theory and acting as a focus for IS researchers who share these interests. While the field may now be more receptive to such thinking, there is still plenty of scope for methodological and theoretical innovation and I would hope that WG8.2 can continue to make a significant contribution to this. If elected, I would like to work with members to identify concepts and perspectives that we believe have the potential to shape the IS research agenda and to use WG conferences as a way to build the communities that can make that happen.