Submissions are now open for IFIP Joint Working Conference!

Event date: 
2020-12-10 to 2025-02-23

Submission site is now open for the full research papers for the IFIP Joint Working Conference in Hyderabad, December 10-11, 2020.

Submission deadline is May 18 (12 noon Central European Time, GMT+1). Please note that we had to make this earlier. Notification of acceptance will be on July 30.

Full research papers should be no more than 8000 words (including abstract, references, tables, etc.). All submissions are anonymous and will be double blind reviewed by the conference Programme Committee.

The accepted full research papers will be included in the book of proceedings published by Springer IFIP AICT (Advances in Information and Communication Technology) series. Papers should follow the author guidelines using the Word template (or Latex package) from the Springer website

To submit a paper to the conference, go to If you are a new user to the OCS submission system, please register as a user. Once you are in, you can upload first your information and the abstract and then the whole paper as a pdf-file. In case there are problems, please be in touch with Helena Karsten (

Deadline for full paper submission is May 18, 2020 at 12 noon Central European Time.

There will be a call for research-in-progress papers, opening during June, submission deadline September 10 midnight Central European Time. Notification of acceptance October 20. More about this later.

Conference Program Chairs Eric Monteiro, Stefan Klein, Shirin Madon, Ranjini CR, Rajendra Bandi



The Program Chairs accepted 24 papers. These will be published in Springer AICT series.