
Business meeting minutes, Tampa, FL, USA, 13 Dec 2012

IFIP 8.2

Brian Fitzgerald started the business meeting @ 3:05pm

1) Introduction of officers
2) Induction of 2 new members: Philip Raeth and Benjamin Mueller
3) Past conferences report: Turku and Shanghai OASIS
4) Potential Future conferences: joint conference venues:
a. Working conferences
i. UKAIS, April 2014 -- 3 votes
ii. ECIS 2014 Israel -- 2 votes
iii. ICIS 2014 Auckland -- 10 votes
b. OASIS workshop, Milan 2013
c. Under consideration: set regular submission deadlines for predictability

Shaping the Future of ICT Research: Methods and Approaches Working Conference

A working conference was held at University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA. Papers are due 1 July 2012. The call can be found at Read the proceedings online at Springer here.

Event date: 
2012-12-13 to 2025-03-10