Laurence Brooks

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IFIP Paper
Alam, M. S., Brooks, L., & Khan, N. I.. (2012). Action Design Ethnographic Research (ADER): Vested Interest Networks and ICT Networks in Service Delivery of Land Records in Bangladesh. (A. Bhattacherjee & Fitzgerald, B., Eds.)Shaping the Future of ICT Research. Methods and Approaches. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35142-6_4
Atkinson, C., & Brooks, L.. (2008). Rhizomatic Informatics: The Case of Ivy University. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
Brooks, L., & Airey, A.. (2001). Consumer Privacy and Online Marketing: Bringing the Human Back into the Picture. Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development.