Elena Parmiggiani

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Monteiro, E., Østerlie, T., Parmiggiani, E., & Mikalsen, M.. (2018). Quantifying Quality: Towards a Post-humanist Perspective on Sensemaking. (U. Schultze, Aanestad, M., Mähring, M., Østerlund, C., & Riemer, K., Eds.)Living with Monsters? Social Implications of Algorithmic Phenomena, Hybrid Agency, and the Performativity of Technology. San Francisco, CA: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-04091-8_5
Parmiggiani, E., Monteiro, E., & Østerlie, T.. (2016). Synthetic Situations in the Internet of Things. (L. Introna, Kavanagh, D., Kelly, S., Orlikowski, W., & Scott, S., Eds.)Beyond Interpretivism? New Encounters with Technology and Organization. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49733-4_13