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Organizational Learning in Health Care: Situating Free and Open Source Software. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). Overcoming Location Boundaries: Telecooperation and Virtual Enterprises. Information, Organization and Management. presented at the 2008///. Retrieved from
. (2008). Possibilities and Challenges of Transition to Ambulant Health Service Delivery with ICT Support in Psychiatry. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). Rhizomatic Informatics: The Case of Ivy University. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). The Service Behind the Service: Sensegiving in the Service Economy. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). Service System Innovation. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). The Servicitization of Peer Production: Reflections on the Open Source Software Experience. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). Tools and Capabilities for Becoming Virtual. Becoming Virtual. presented at the 2008///. Retrieved from
. (2008). Toward Understanding the Capability Cycle of Software Process Improvement: A Case Study of a Software Service Company. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). Transforming Work Practices in a Complex Environment. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). Turning Products into Services and Services into Products: Contradictory Implications of Information Technology in the Service Economy. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). Understanding the Exchange Intention of an Individual Blogger. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). Virtuality and Non-Virtuality in Remote Stock Trading. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008///. Retrieved from
. (2008). Virtuality and Non-Virtuality in Remote Stock Trading. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century. presented at the 2008. Retrieved from
. (2008). Abstraction in Computer Science. Minds and Machines, 17(2), 169 - 184. presented at the 2007/07/01/. Retrieved from
. (2007). Ambassadorial Leadership. Virtuality and Virtualization. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73025-7_13
. (2007). Beyond Distributed Cognition. Virtuality and Virtualization. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73025-7_2
. (2007). Building Virtual Spaces. Virtuality and Virtualization. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73025-7_22
. (2007). Competency Rallying Processes in Virtual Organizations. Virtuality and Virtualization. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73025-7_7
. (2007). Conceptualizing Virtual Collaborative Work. Virtuality and Virtualization. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73025-7_4
. (2007). Conditions Enabling Effective Multiple Team Membership. Virtuality and Virtualization. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73025-7_16
. (2007). Conduct, Performance, and Dilemmas of Inter-organizational Virtual Organizing. Virtuality and Virtualization. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73025-7_5
. (2007). Connecting Lifelong Learning. Lifelong Learning – Signs, Discourses, Practices. presented at the 2007///. Retrieved from
. (2007). Coordinating Global Software Development Activities. Virtuality and Virtualization. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73025-7_9
. (2007). DEALING WITH DILEMMAS IN CONTEMPORARY HIGHER EDUCATION. The Challenges of Educating People to Lead in a Challenging World. presented at the 2007///. Retrieved from
. (2007).