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The ranking of top IS journals: The perspective from the London School of Economics. European Journal of Information Systems, 17, 163-168. Retrieved from EJIS2008.pdf
. (2008). Reflections on the academic policy analysis process and the UK Identity Cards Scheme. The information society, 23, 51-58. Retrieved from TIS2007.pdf
. (2007). Rhetorical confidence and technological certainty in technology led policy initiatives. Public sector executive. Retrieved from PSE2007.pdf
. (2007). Regulating Architecture and Architectures of Regulation: Contributions from Information Systems. International Review of Computing Law and Technology, 17, 85-97. Retrieved from IRCLT2003.pdf
. (2003). Regulating Architecture and Architectures of Regulation: Contributions from Information Systems. ( ) British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association Conference. Amsterdam. Retrieved from Bileta2002.pdf
. (2002). The regulation of electronic commerce: learning from the UK's RIP act. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 11, 31-58. Retrieved from JSIS2002.pdf
. (2002). Representing Human and Non-human Stakeholders: On Speaking with Authority. Organizational and Social Perspectives on IT.
. (2000). Re-evaluating Power in Information Rich Organizations: New Theories and Approaches. New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes.
. (1999).