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Filters: Author is Edgar A. Whitley and First Letter Of Title is B [Clear All Filters]
. (2008).
Balance, scrutiny and identity cards in the UK. Criminal Justice Matters, 68, 29-30. Retrieved from CJM2007.pdf
. (2007). Becoming engaged with conferences: Reputations and networks. Communications of the AIS, 16, 895-903. Retrieved from CAIS2005.pdf
. (2005). Biometric technology in the public sector: Implications of the Identity Cards Bill. Government opportunities.
. (2005). Book review of "A Computer Called LEO: Lyons Teashops and the World's First Office Computer" by Georgina Ferry. Information technology and people. Retrieved from ITP2004b.pdf
. (2004). Book review of "Ruling the root: Internet governance and the taming of cyberspace" by Milton L Mueller and "Internet governance in transition: Who is the master of this domain?" by Daniel J Paré.. Information technology and people. Retrieved from ITP2004a.pdf
. (2004). Book review of "Virtual society? Technology, Cyperbole, Reality" edited by Steve Woolgar. British Journal of Sociology. Retrieved from BJOS2004.pdf
. (2004). Book review of "The shape of actions" by Harry Collins and Martin Kusch. The Times Higher Education Supplement. London. Retrieved from THES2000.pdf
. (2000). Book review of "Aramis or the love of technology" by Bruno Latour. Information technology and people. Retrieved from ITP1999a.pdf
. (1999). Book review of "The construction of social reality" by John R Searle. Information technology and people. Retrieved from ITP1999b.pdf
. (1999). Book review of "Artificial experts: Social knowledge and intelligent machines" by H M Collins. Journal of the Operational Research Society. Retrieved from JORS1991.pdf
. (1991). Book review of "Building knowledge based systems: Towards a methodology" by John S Edwards. European Journal of Information Systems. Retrieved from EJIS1991.pdf
. (1991).