Tor J Larsen
Tor J. Larsen holds a MA in Systems Thinking from the University of Lancaster, England in 1975 and earned his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems (MIS) from the University of Minnesota in 1989. He held the position of Senior Vice President at BI Norwegian Business School 2007-2010. At present he is full professor in Knowledge Management. He has served as associate editor for MIS Quarterly. Dr. Larsen publications are found in, for example Information & Management, Journal of MIS, Information Systems Journal, and Computers in Industry. He is a member of AIS and IFIP WG8.2 and vice-chair of WG8.6 since 2007. Dr. Larsen’s research interests are in the areas of managers’ use of information, knowledge management, innovation, diffusion, representation, and innovation outcome. He can be reached at Tor.J.Larsen@BI.NO.