CREATIVE SME 2009 - Entrepreneurship in high tech startups

In a very dinamyc presentation Prof. Michael Dowling from University of Regensburg -DE told us about his research about entrepreneurship in high tech startups.
He told that the intensity of international competition in new technologies has increased dramatically in the last few years and a key success factor has become the ability of entrepreneurs to manage both new technologies and business opportunities. He presented some USA and Germany research projects, some real cases of entrepreneurs and success cases.
The entrepreuner is someone who grasps an opportunity beyond the resources you currently control.
Are investments in innovations (R&D) a significant entry barrier in the telecommunications equipament industry? If so, how has this barrier changed since deregulation of the US telecommunications industry? Asked the professor!
He also asked who were relatively research intensive and compared established vs new entrants firms (Cardinal Relative R&D investment) and concluding that to be innovator manager need to be entrepreneur!