Jannis Kallinikos

Jannis Kallinikos is Professor and PhD programme Director in the Information Systems and Innovation Group, Department of Management at the London School of Economics. His research covers a wide range of topics on the interpenetration of technology with the administrative and institutional arrangements of contemporary societies. More recently, and as the result of the technological developments that mark our time, his research has shifted to the investigation of the diffusion of technological information in all its breeds (text, voice, image) and digital formats and the implications these developments carry for organizations, institutions but also for the patterns of interaction characteristic of everyday living.

Recent books include The Consequences of Information: Institutional Implications of Technological Change, Edward Elgar, 2006 and Governing Through Technology: Information Artefacts and Social Practice, Palgrave, 2011.

Address: London School of Economics, Department of Management, Information Systems and Innovation Group, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, UK

Email: J.Kallinikos@lse.ac.uk