IFIP8.2 OASIS 2015 Program
The schedule has been set for the IFIP8.2 OASIS 2015 in Fort Worth. We will meet from 8:45am-5pm in Texas Ballroom I, Omni Fort Worth Hotel.
The full program is available at http://cs.mcgill.ca/~hsafad/oasis/OASIS%202015%20program.pdf
Workshop format:
There will be three discussion sessions. In each 2-3 themes will be discussed in round tables. In addition to mentors and authors, other participants are welcome to join and watch those who are discussing. The discussion sessions are preceded by a lightning talk session where each paper has the opportunity for a one minute one slide presentation (I a previous email, I have asked you to prepare a 3 min lightning talk. Unfortunately, given the time limitation we cannot afford more than one min presentation per paper).
Participants (who are not authors):
You are welcome to join any round table of your interest and also to hop between tables if you wish. The papers are available for download at http://cs.mcgill.ca/~hsafad/oasis/
Saturday December 12th 2015
8:45 am-9 am Registration & morning Coffee and Tea
9 am -9:20 am Opening notes
9:20 am -10 am Keynote (Prof. Steve Sawyer, ICT scholarship in organizations and society)
10 am -10:20 am First lightning talks session
10:20 am-10:40 am Coffee and Tea Break
10:40 am -11 am Second lightning talks session
11 am -12:15 pm First round table session (Social Media, Design and Experiments, Digital Infrastructure)
12:15 pm -1 pm Box lunch
1 pm -2:15 pm Second round table session (IT Theories, Health IT)
2:15 pm -2:35 pm Coffee and Tea Break
2:35 pm -3:50 pm Third round table session (Online Collectives, Knowledge Management)
3:50 pm -4:10 pm Final notes
4:10 pm -5 pm Business meeting
Program co-Chairs, OASIS 2015:
Hani Safadi (University of Georgia) and
James Howison (University of Texas, Austin)