IFIP Sustainable Development Programme (SDP)
Sustainable Development Programme (SDP) is an IFIP (International Federation For Information Processing) funded programme. The aim is to offer young IT professionals and students the opportunity of building up their knowledge of developing countries and development issues. The programme aims at promoting internationalization of education by providing young people with the opportunity of establishing contacts with institutions and organizations. The programme is intended to help build south-south linkages by encouraging young IT professionals from developing countries to build peer networks to help build understanding on their varying country contexts. At the same time it will also help young IT professionals from the 'north' to establish contact with institutions and organisations in developing countries.
More information is available from http://www.ifip.org/images/stories/ifip/public/projects/sdp.pdf and an application form is available at http://www.ifip.org/SDP/appl-form.htm. Completed applications should be sent to the TC8 chair,
Barbara Pernici (barbara.pernici@polimi.it) who will forward it to IFIP for consideration.