IFIP 8.2 Workshop in Conjunction with AOM meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 3, 2014

Attending the Academy of Management meeting in Philadelphia this year? Looking for something to do on Sunday afternoon in Philly? Why not join a friendly and cordial group of like-minded researchers for an engaging chat?

In conjunction with the Academy of Management meeting in Philadelphia, IFIP 8.2 will be holding a workshop from 1:15pm-4:15pm on Sunday, August 3, 2014, preceded by an optional lunch. The workshop will be held at the College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University, and will be free of charge.

The purpose of the workshop is for people working on the development and use of information technologies in organizational contexts, to present their current research to a friendly and interested audience, to discuss their ideas with like-minded people, and to meet potential collaborators. Participants do not have to be members of IFIP 8.2.

The workshop will consist of a series of short presentations (max 5 minutes) by participants who would like to introduce themselves and their research in this manner. Ideally these presentations should provide a high-level overview of the participant?s current research in an engaging way.

These short research presentations will be followed by roundtable discussions on themes that emerge out of participants' research abstracts.

To present your research at the workshop, please send an abstract (max one page) summarizing a current research project or program you would like to discuss. Susan Gasson (sgasson@drexel.edu) should receive this abstract by July 29, 2014.

Walk-ins are welcome, so feel free to join us on Sunday, even if you have not submitted an abstract.

The workshop will be held in Room 0.14 at the College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University, Philadelphia. This is the Rush Building (#10 on the Drexel University City campus map). We are a 10-minute Trolley or Subway ride away from the Philadelphia Convention Center. (Total walking distance between locations [the Convention Center to 11th St. Station, then the 34th St. Station subway stop to Rush Bldg] is about 0.4 miles.) See Google Maps walking directions (link to directions is embedded here) for details.

For those who would like to join us for lunch, please meet up at 11.45am in front of the Rush Building (#10 on the Drexel campus map) or at 12:00 noon at Drexel Pizza (107 N 33rd St Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 222-4722).

For examples of what a 5-minute presentation that entertains and educates using primarily visually stimulating PPTs might look like, consider samples from the ISTE conference. A particularly appropriate example can be found at the 1hr:07min:30sec mark in this rather lengthy video:

Here is another example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tZFgusuo4s&list=PLf_S39L3F3QUIlbzfcfPb0Z...


Ulrike Schultze, Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, Dallas TX, uschultz@smu.edu

Susan Gasson, College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University, Philadelphia PA, sgasson@drexel.edu